count with me ppl!!!!!!haha..
37 more days 2 harry potter...P.O.A...
186 more days 2 o'levels..haha...
tc ppl...remember 2 watch e OC!!!!best show ever...benjamin mckenzie is so super HOTT!!!!haha...
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Posted by chelsea at 8:46 PM 0 comments
hi all!!!haha..whoa...been really bz...sleeping..haha...anywayz..gonna b here 4 only a short while..hehez.. coz..have 2 study..dont i..haiz..had north vista investiture 2dae..was alritez..haha...mrs das..anisha..nat..mel..sangeetha went too..they put up a performance..everybody was sayin they did a great job..haha..kinda proud...i was...i guez..haha..wateva it is..had a hard time usual...haha..but this time..only my baby toe hurt..haha..youmei's shoe was juz right 4 me..haha...who says i didnt noe how 2 wear court shoes..haha...itreally depends on e size..not how u wear it..unless i have 2 bite my shoe..haha...oh...had a look at sum blogskins..haha...really i wish i could do it..haha..but...after e exams time liaoz..
haiz..really lookin forward 2 muh harry potter movie 2 b out..haha..everybody count with mi!!!!haha...
186 days to o'levels.....
37 days 2 harry potter P.O.A..haha..
also..b sure 2 catch e OC!!!!haha..benjamin mckenzie is totally HOTT!!!haha...bye kidz..haha..
Posted by chelsea at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
ydae...19th april 2004.
lotr exibiton!shiok!!was really great....
a ringwraith scared e hell outta me!!!
screamed n n run..did all e special effects tingy...whoa!!cool!!!
last minute sum more..haha..yepz..really enjoyed muhself..
okkz...tat was ydae...
2dae...20th april 2004...
council had presentation on themselves..haha..Development Team scored a swipe victory...!!!haha..
tat great..cheer n song..haha...luv muh team.. juz keepin it short...bye..tctc!!!luv pplz...
Posted by chelsea at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2004 neo left...but not forever!!!haha.. 2 do proj...haiz....tired...tml would b e 2.4 run..okkz...goin now...bye..
all e neo!!!!luv alwayz...
-you bring out e best in me....-
Posted by chelsea at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 15, 2004
mid yrs r scraped!!!!YES!!!!!hopin 2 concentrate on chinese..haha..
hi all!!!!so happy mid yrs r scraped...but...means we haven finished our syllabus...die die..haha...i hope i do well 4 mi chinese then..haiz...mi chinese deproving lousy now...boohoo~!!!!anywayz..juz here 2 write a few words...okkz...bye!!!luvz...!!!
Posted by chelsea at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
hey all!!!!didnt cum here 4 quite awhile coz of work..haiz..therefore after 2dae...notmuch of cumin back again too!!!haha...yepz....gotta concentrate now...flunk most of e subjects...if i dun buck up...i'll get muhself killed..haha...yar huh..had our sch's swim meet 2dae...was tiring...had a sun burn..haha...not much cheering coz it was in e afternoon...n ppl were tired after a half dae's work..yepz..there was nothin much 2 do in e invitational relay..haha...e guests juz go 2 their places w/o tellin them to..haha..relaxed..
tml got pop...haiz...suck big time...hate it...n e teachers r always giving us last minute notice..topid!!!!e mp cadets knew it lyk on saturdae...we always get 2 noe e day b4...NOT FAIR!!!! sucky alritez..
okkz..trying not 2 spend too much time here..haha..i shall be gone now..haha...bye peepz...luv loads....
Posted by chelsea at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2004
hi ppl!!!!happy easter 2 all..haha...watching prince of egypt right now..haha...i luv tat show..haha..
haiz....sch's in lyk 11 hrs time..haiz!!!!!hate it!!!!!simply hate e word sch...n everything..haha...if i could change one thing in history......i would kill e person who wanted 2 invent irritating... system in singapore sux..haiz...everybody else is so happy in their overseas sch..haha...
alritez...gotta go..bye peepz!!!!luvz.....
Posted by chelsea at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 10, 2004
helloz!!!1 more dae 2 easter...
haha..hihi!!!okkz..went out...went find mi aunt hse..n also went mi aunt hse..haha..ate alot..haha..bloated do u lyk mi new blog??niz niz???e only thing bothering mi is e ad...urgh!!so ugly...haha...e baby so cute...
shit larz..sok cheng tellin mi bout e passion of christ...oh man...dun feel lyk watchin scary..even she m i goin 2 live with it..haha...
okkz..tml's easter..happy day!!!yay!!jesus is finally risen!!!!whoa..i think he really led a damn torturin life...haiz...e tortures last time were gruesome..i haven watched it..but im scared already...oh...back 2 same topic...passion of christ...haha..okkz...mayb i'll juz 4get bout it..haha...
bye peepz!!!!rem 2 tag mi board!!!!luvz...
-god answers prayers 4 yrs later..i prayed 4 a dog when i was 3,n i juz got one.
carlo,7-[juz a quote i saw frm a small booklet...cute boy...]
Posted by chelsea at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 09, 2004
good friday.
yepz...2dae is good friday..not supposed 2 b here at all...but...cant help it...haiz...let jesus dwn time n time again..oh well..
had a bad news juz now...william hung's cd is due soon..he's disgustin...but he's got confidence...oh man..lyk im so not supposed 2 b speakin ill of ppl..haha...alritez...great job will!!!haha..
bye peepz...changin skin...coz im gettin tired of this loads!!
-ooh yee ooh ah-ah.ching chang wala-wala bing bang.-
Posted by chelsea at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 08, 2004
alritez...wrote about e freakin fren in one of muh past entry..hah!!she is being stupid again!!!!wats up with her???so damn fucked change frm last yr..haiz...wat r u doin lorz...suan mi until lyk tat....u think its fun bein suan???!!!!!u watch out next time...haiz...i cant bear 2 scold already..y is my whole life filled with irritatin bitches??haiz...i feel lyk sayin her name out...but i would hurt her...(which i dun give a damn...)but i noe bein enemies wont b good..haiz...any advice???
wah...fuck her is e best i can say...haha...bye..
guez not having any frens r best.
Posted by chelsea at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
damn fuckin pissed...haha..
fuckin sis.
fuckin mum.
tryin 2 control.
cant seem to.
blasting muh music.
hope it blows my ears out.
i'll b happy 2 c e shredded pieces.
be happy im shreddin muh ears.
or i'll b tearin ur skin.
buzz off b4 i turn gentle.
UFO--->u fuck off.
Posted by chelsea at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
CTs R FINALLY OVER..but..oh well...EXAMS R CUMING!!!!
wats e big damn difference??haha..stupid..haha..sch system...y lyk tat???i'll probably work in e ministry of education next time..n tell those folks 2 give e kids a break....damn havin a hard time copin...haha..thinkin of droppin amaths coz it takes up too much time..haha...everyday cum hm do amaths time 4 e rest..haha...shit damn it...haha...singapore concentrates too much on education!!!! I 1 2 MIGRATE!!!!! LONDON OR AUSTRALIA..haha...either one...wait until i have cash larz..haha..
lyrics of westlife's written in the stars...go dwnld this song..damn niz!!!!i recommend....
Stay with me
Don't fall asleep too soon
The angels can wait for a moment
Come real close
Forget the world outside
Tonight we're alone
It's finally you and I
It wasn't meant to feel like this
Not without you
Cos when I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
When I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars
Don't be afraid
I'll be right by your side
Through the laughter and pain
Together we're bound to fly
I wasn't meant to love like this
Not without you
Cos when I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
When I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars
I made a few mistakes, yeah
Like sometimes we do
Been through lot of heartache
But I made it back to you
Cos when I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
And when I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars
When I look at my life
How the pieces fall into place
It just wouldn't rhyme without you
When I see how my path
Seem to end up before your face
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars
The state of my heart
The place where we are
Was written in the stars
-really wish 2 go back in time n stop e ppl who invented sch,maths,science n all e theories frm inventing them...remind me.....wat r we studyin 4 again?-
Posted by chelsea at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 03, 2004
bloated until u couldnt walk??read on..
bloated until u couldnt walk??read on..
whoa...2dae..haha....BEST!went 2 conrad international(my second home) 4 dinner...really great...e lightings..everything..coz me mum had a $100 voucher...n we had lyk 10 ppl 2gether..haha...tat would cost a great deal..we decided not 2 take e buffet coz...e kids might not lyk it...seafood!!!(i hate seafood..) called dishes...except 4 my mum n aunt..they took e mum took sum food n gave us wasnt really allowed..haha...this guy came over n took away her we thought...not eat all by herself lorz..haha....but then tat same guy...(who happens 2 b e assistant manager...)came over n told my mum...tat we could go join in e buffet...all of us...4 free!!!!!we were lyk...shocked!!!???yea....he told us tat he would account 4 everything if anyone sees isnt it???my sis n i juz saw a plate of chocolate pudding...n we were lyk....we can eat e pudding???!!!haha....shaked hands...we did..haha...we ate...n ate...ate our own dishes...coz e buffet table all seafood...but we went 2 take e desserts..although it was only e desserts..haha..we almost dropped dead after eating...wah....u didnt see e way all of us walk out of e hotel..haha..lyk we were pregnant or mum promised 2 b there more often...haha..great!!!i would luv it!!!
another thing...haha..taking weight on monday..n im still eating..haha...cant b bothered anymore...fat then fat larz...nothin bad being in fatty club....though fat...i still have e talents..(of eating!!!)hahahahahaha....really enjoyed meslf 2dae..haha...tata peepz!!!!luv u all!!!!bye!!
-bitch-->a babe in total control of herself.-
Posted by chelsea at 10:49 PM 0 comments