alrighty then...
diyana shared this super lovely website with me...and i love itt..let me post the link here...please go and have a look...its hilarious stuff..so dont have to worry about scary things..ahahaha...
yupyup..the japanese are crazy website..ahahaha...whew....laugh like maddd...and ohoh...i found this super adorabel video from there too...and i just had to share it..ahahaha...here you go...
KAWAII NE!!!!!!OMGGG..right right????the cutest ever..ahahaha...
alrighty...im off to do my project work...everything is going smoothly mann..its all gooodddd!!ahahahaha..
Friday, October 27, 2006
Posted by chelsea at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
ahn nyung ha sae yo!
ahahahaha..just wanted to try out a different way of hello!ahahahaha..
today's main thing is....
i just had a visit to the dentist..ahhh...painfullllll...ahahahhaa..drilling..so drillingggg....yuck...!!i hate the dentist..i hope the dentist did a good job coz it feels worst than previously and it is so damn expensive....stupid dentistttt...hahaha..
projects slowing coming in..and gettin more tired each day..ahahaha..and im thinking of taking up extra classes for several things...im madddd...ahahaha...
i wanna learn japanese language...and the piano..ahahah..wahhh..imagine me having to fit in these two along with my studies..i think i will go into depression mode soon..ahahaha..ehhh..plus..i dont think my sch schedule will allow it..even thought the timetable says school ends at this particular time..we still have to stay back for projects or extra lessons..ahahaha...so...my jap and piano lessons will be delayed for quite awhile..ahahaha..
next thing is...im already craving for another session of KBOX..ahahaha...
ahhhhh...my friends...please make our way there soon yea...ahahaha..SINGSINGSING...
alrighto..before i go off...i need to share this video la..ahahaha..
its the in thing now...and its the latest craze in jmd...
its maasara blue jeans..ahahaha...if you dont know what that is...please enjoy the following video..ahahahaha...
OWOWWWWW!!!teeth painnn!!!ahahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
i dont have much to say...so...its just...
im craving for beancurd..nice cold beancurd...yummmyyyy..
ahahahaha...tml i ask mummy buy..ahahahaha..
alrightyyyy...im offffff...
Posted by chelsea at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
today was my 1st day of school..hmm..didnt really feel like school..felt like i was just attending some orientation..or talk..yea...ahhh..i can feel the stress coming in already just from today..ahahaha..just hope i can cope with everything...so far so good...ahhhh..ok then..let me talk about yday...ahahaha..
yday..was the actual day of school..but then our lecturers cancelled classes..ahahaha..so we had the day off..and then the kbox budies met up for a good session of kboxing..ahaha...finally...on the last day of holidays..ahahah..we went over to kbox..yupyup..the usual singing..jay,jolin,she,a whole load of chinese songs and english songs..and wahhh..blessann and her nicky lee..ahahaha...that girl is in lovee..ahahaha..come on over to the world of idolisation mannn...ahahahahhaa....YESSSAAA...sang till 8.45..and then we left..ahahahaha..couldnt really sleep last night..coz of school..ahahaha..i hope i can sleep well tonight...
ok...so...today...hmm..what can i say about today..i dont know...i think its back to leavin this blog..with no updates again...coz i cant really rem what happened..and..there's no more mood to update again..ahahaha...
there's jmd tomorrow...ahahaha..lets see whether i have anything interestin to update tml then..ahahaha...
Posted by chelsea at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
feels weird watchin the video of shark finning on my blog..ahahaha..i dont knoww..so..this entry is to update about my new bed..hahaha..here are some pics..ahahaha..
there.. before putting in the bedsheets and after puttin in the bedsheets...im sleeping upstairs mann..wahhh..that was yday btw..so i've already slept on my bed once....and i think i prefer my old bed..ahahaha..here are the reasons why...
1. because my old bed isnt a bunk bed..i can always run into my room and plonk on my bed..now i cant!now, i have to climb a ladder before i sleep..how troublesome is thatt??hahaha..
2. now my sis n i need two fans because one for me and one for her..ahahaha..
hmmm..funny we didnt lay out the disadvantages when we were about to get the bed..actually..what my mum wants is to create more space in my room..ahahaha..but to some great disadvantages...ahh...but i think we will soon get used to it..ahahahha..ok lets talk about how well i slept..ahahaha..being the 1st time sleeping in a bunk bed..i still have to get use to the thought of the wood pieces suddenly givin way and my whole level dropping dwn on my sis..and ehh..throughout the night..i had to take care not to toss and turn too much..and if i did..i had to do it slowly and carefully..ahahaha..so..yea...i think i prolly didnt have a gd nights sleep because i woke up in the morning quite grumpy..ahahahaha..
and in the grumpy mood i was in..the last thing i wanna see would be my lil bro eating the chocolate eclair that was supposed to be my breakfast..ahahahaha...so that made my mood worse..ahahahaha..my lovely chocolate eclair mannn!!!hahahaha...and then my mood improved..why?because i had my daily dose of television programmes..and because my bro went off to school..ahahahaha..so..everything is goodd...yup...
i've been having troubles deciding what song to play on my blog laaaa...but then i cant stand my blog without a song so i've just uploaded a korean song to be played on this blog..ahahaha..and then im looking at my blog and hmmm...japanese and korean clash??ahahahaha...noooo...nice korean song matches the nice simple japanese layout ok..ahahahaha....the song is from the show goong..so..enjoy it yeaaa...
im off!
bye love!
Posted by chelsea at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
wahhh...im back to post..and guess what this post is going to be about...hahaha...
my saving wildlife mission mannnn...i am crazyy..ahahaha...but still i have to post this entry...because i found the video i wanna post about sharks..ahahaha...
there....please try not to eat shark's fin anymore ok...!!it's really not good...and there are better delicacies like maybe roast duck or something...i dont know why..but ducks, chickens, pigs and fish are a whole lot more abundant than other species of animals..ahahahaha...so...no more shark's fin!!!!wahhh..actually..other than postin this video..i dont know what else i can do already...if i go to a restaurant and they serve me shark's fin..the best i can do is not eat it..and then either somebody else will eat it or it will be wasted...hahaha...but still...dont eat ittt...hahahaha!!
ok..i'll be back with more videos..ahahahaha!!next will be killing for the skin and fur...
Posted by chelsea at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
im posting pictures again!ahahaha...
so..these pictures tell a story...the story of my room..ahahaha..on tuesday morning..i was woken up quite early in the morning..so that our beds could be moved to my grandma's place..yea...the 1st 2 pictures you see..are those of the uncles moving mine n my sis's bed into the truck..sad picturessss...and then the truck was off...off to the grandma's place...ahahaha...
then i took pictures of my really empty room..whoaaaa...that picture above turned out nice ehhh??hahahaha...and then there are also pictures of my bed on the floor..ahahaha..we are sleeping on the flooorrr..ahahaha.."we are like koreans for two days!!" says the sister..STUPID SISTER..ahahahahahaha...but yea..it is quite interesting to be sleeping on the floor..but then one bad thing was..i could see the dust and hair on the floor and it's disgustinggg..ahahahaha...tonight...will be another night of sleeping on the floor and them it will be over..ahahahaha..
hmm..i love spending my time at home..since monday..i've spent quality time with my television n i feel extremely gooddd..ahahahaha..there is just a point of time in the afternn..after 1pm..that there are suddenly no nice programmes on tv..ahahahaha..so...my sis n i takes out the vcds to watch instead..ahahaha..how nice if i can do this everyday..ahahaha..it will be loverrrrllyyy..ahahaha..sch is starting next tuesday instead because all my lessons on monday is cancelled..so..my kbox gang is calling for a session of kboxing..ahaha..i hope we really have one..but i dont think all of jay chou's new songs are out..so..we can only sing the old songs laaa...hahahaha...kboxxxx yaayyyy!!haha!!!
ok..i have nothing else to update about..so...
im offff!!!
Posted by chelsea at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
so yday's dinner/supper..i think i regretted going to that damn place to stuff myself with food..because when i reached home yday..i felt extremely pissed with myself..how i can let myself be talked into going to that stupid supper..urghhh...the mroe i think about it...the more i feel angryyyy.....HMPH...!i shall learn how to start saying NO! to people..URGHHHH...this whole week is starvation week for me because of yday night..DAMN IT...the buffet is nothing special, just food, plates, peopel and desserts..yeaaa...STUPIDITYYYY...haiyaaaa...im lucky i dont have to fork out any money or else i will be feeling worse than now...alright then..no more talk about this stupid thing....lets move on...
ok..so...my dad started taking apart mine n my sis's bed..and that means he took the headboard and the drawers out..my bed looks so hollow and lonely noww...it was after everything had been taken out..that i realised i haven taken a picture with my bedd...saddening....im going to miss my bedd...and i dont really understand whyy...hahahaha...feelings for the beddd...wow...!ahahaha..so...let me take u through the next few days of the mini transformation of my room..ahahaha...
startin from today..after the taking apart of the drawers and headboard..my bed looks like this!
and these are the headboards and drawers...
ahhh...by 9am tml...my lovely bed and everything else will be transported over to my grandma's house so that she can use it..that means my sis n i have to be up by 9am and after tml..we will be sleeping on the floor..ahahaha..
ok..so no more bed stories...lets move on to my storybook story...
my weird mouse storybook is gettin pretty interesting..the weird mouse falls in love with a human princess...how interestin is that???!!and he gets punished for even lettin a human spot him..ahahaha..so he gets sent to the dungeon to feed the rats that live there...and then the story gets more interestin because the author uses words like..:"And reader, the story gets more interesting from here." coooll..i like it...hahahaha..
ok then...i should be off noww..i wanna carry on where i left off with my book..and spent more time with my bed..ahahaha..
PS.oh yes..my teeth still hurts..hahaha!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 08, 2006
my whole family has been on a shopping spree this whole week...we are really crazy...my sis n i just got a bunk bed..ahahahaha...its coming on thurs but we have to get rid of our old beds with headboards by this tues...this means that we will have to sleep on the floor...(japanese style-according to the stupid sister of mine.)hahahaha...
and then we just bought books too...storybooks..mine's about this weird mouse called despereaux..looks super sweet and nice to read..but i've only touched the 1st chapter..so..i will talk about it soon...i think...
its now 10:04pm and i have to rush off to this stupid restaurant to have a farewell dinner buffet with my colleagues..what a stupid and lame idea from my uncle...???it's late,everybody's tired and i dont feel like eating at all...(the past few days of heavy eating certainly did put me off eating more n more food..)STUPIDDDDDDD...
accordin to my unlce, the buffet is only $6.80 and u eat loads of stuff...let me go there and check out the quality before saying anything..at least i gave the restaurant and my stupid uncle a chance....
i've been saying alot of STUPIDS lately..and i hope i dont upset anyone with it...
its just like an exclamation like..ehhh...WOW! HUH?...wait...i dont know what i just meant..never mind..i will leave the words there lying..ahahaha...
ok...last bit of update...
there is something wrong with my teeth...
they are hurting and the pain is like when new teeth are sprouting out...n my whole bottom row of teeth is feeling like thattt..MAYBE ITS THE HAZE...
ok...have to go to the stupid place nowww...
Posted by chelsea at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 07, 2006
its 12.30am and i haven had my normal sleep for the past decade so..here i m now rushin off this entry so that i can go to bed properly and enjoy my day later...
1. im officially out of job because yesterday was my last day at work!
i am super happy but super sad coz im going to miss some very nice ppl..hahaha...
2. it is super hazy outside!
its like we are living on clouds...where everything is foggy and misty..just that this haze is suffocating and warm...STUPID.
3. i have one more week left to enjoy my holidays!
after that it is back to school and more projects...STUPID...im going to hate ittt...
and lastly...
4. i get to see my family again!! (my family includes my tv...)
ahahaha...haven seen and talked to them properly for the past decade as well...so...no job means more family!!!(and more tv!!!) ahahahahaha..
ok..thats alll then!!!
my lovely bedddd...here i comeeee!!!ahahahaha...
Posted by chelsea at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
i've decided to leave the pics as it is..but i am going to keep posting entries so that the pics will be gone soon..ahahahaha...
hmmm..i just signed out from msn..after a long conversation with my crazy jmd sisters..ahahaha...here are some of the words which appeared in our conversation..
silent screamer
silent laughter
silent retards
clap clap hands over head
to gerry:
to juna:
to sok hiang:
to chelsea:
who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
I'm gonna make you into a RAMEN! (this came from the RAMEN herself..AKIRA RAMEN)
charmander i choose you!
go ghastly!
I ZA NA ZU KI cannot be played.
Pls proceed to counter A to send it again.
ur words movinnn..
and most importanly in my opinion: QOO.
ok...so those are the more..important words from the whole convo...ahahaha..there were many icons too..but how the hell do i show them here??crazy family they really are...all started the convo with why i like to eat spiders...ahahahaha...COOLCOOOLL!!!
ehhh..its fun to come home from work and switch on my currently very empty computer..just to surf and talk..there are no popups and lagginess..like WOWWW..i feel as if my computer is lightttt..ahahahaa..ok...enough about my beloved computer...let me tell you about work...
you know the thing about my work is...i get money..but i have to put up with disgusting pests and people..some people are ok..the chef at my work place cooks food with a portion so measly that i wouldnt call it food...tidbits would suit it better..and payin $7.50 for tidbits doesnt feel good at all...not for an average customer like ME!hahahaha..
and then rated lesser than the OK people are the unhygienic ones..the ones who uses the spoon to dip towels into a tub filled with bleach and still can proudly say..it is just hand sanitizer...hand sanitizer and washin towels just doesnt link mannn..ahahaha..
last but not least...there are these certain few ppl who just are so disgusting that whenever you see them or sense them, you automatically get a spasm..hahaha..spasms are not good for the body so i try to stay far far far away from these ppl...yupyup...
and oh yesss..to sum everything up on a very clean n pure note...hahahaha..
work can be very fun and cool with nice n funny people who just doesnt answer if u ask a question..or maybe i am just too soft spoken..ahahaha..the restaurant is closing soon and i thank god it is...ahahahaha..that place is going to the dogs if it continues running..ahahaha..
im going off noww...
Posted by chelsea at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i've been lazy again..
ahahaha...but i think i shall come here to post pictures now..ahaha...tryin out the image posting thing on blogspot..ahahaha.. preparation!!ahahaha..
everybody just puttin on the traditional hapi..
taken before we leave school...
ahahaha..whole jmd family!
our pink and blue matsuris!!ahahahahaha...lovelyyy!!!
the children in the jmd family...standin according to age..from left to right..and then the youngest in the family in the middle..ahahaha..
JMD family portrait.children and the adults..ahaha...
so..this post was a draft actually because i still had pics to post..
but thennn...yesterday..
my computer system crashed on me..so...i just realised that i have no pics to post now...
have to go get the pics from my friends...
our jmd debut performance was alrighttt..ahahaha...
can be counted successful...!!ahahaha..i had a lot of fun preparing for it...so..its all worth it..ahahaha..
ooohhhh...ok..about this week thenn..
loads of money spent on eatingggg...WHOA...you piggg...
lets see ahhh..
monday-changing appettites with clorine n cherie
tues-thai express with joleen n maria
and today- swensens...
ahahaha..how lovelyyy...spending money on foooddd!!ahahaha..
and then..after one hard day's work..and eatingg...
went over to school for jmd..supposed to reach at 3pm..but then i reached at 5pm...
so..i would have thought that they started dancin n all already..but nooooo...ahahaha...when i reached...they were watchin the summary of johnny's world concertt..ahahaha...ooohhhh lala!!!!YAMAPI!!!!!!ahahahaha..
so then we carried on for awhile until i started learnin the dance juna choreographed...boa's song-silent screamerz...the dance is niceee...ahahahah..juna also choreographed a dance for super lover...my w-inds....!!!so...after this boa song is done..i shall move on to my super lover...woohooo...hahahaha...and then we left at 6pm..the gang decided where to eat and headed over to woodlands..i went home instead...hahaha..
and then...after dinner n showering...my family went over to tp courts to look for a bunk bed..ahaha..for me n my sis..we wanna re-do our room...bunk bed for more space in the room to put in a tv, cdplayer and mayb a set of drawers..ahahaha..at the moment, my study is overly cramped too...just wanna clear out everything..ahahaha..stupid boxess..ahahaha..
alrightyyy...this post is too long for my liking...i shall end here..and go off to mayb study some japanese...ahahaha..
i hate this blogspot image posting thingggg...cant seem to get it right...makes my blog look so messy...urghhhh..ahahahhaa...i might take down the pics if i hate it the next time i come online..ahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 11:34 PM 0 comments