its the eve of christmas eve and im extremely excited!!
christmas is coming in just two more days!
i am looking forward to this year's christmas.
in my mind, i've been picturing a beautiful white christmas, BUT, i know i cant get it in singapore so this is what i've been thinking of..
an extremely pretty sunny day with strong wind, nice blue sky, big fluffy clouds, happy people and children, carrying big bags of presents. oh how wonderful! and i've also got a rainy day back-up..
rain is pouring heavily, the sky dark and gloomy, happy people and their chldren still walking around with their brollies with big bags of presents, going to their relative's to exchange the gifts. it's just like snowing..can you picture them already?
christmas is my most favourite time of the year! its such a waste we dont celebrate christmas for the full twelve days!! but then again, what can we do for twelve days!haha! twelve days of turkey can get quite sick.ahaha..yup, christmas is nice and special with one day! i really hate it when christmas ends.
how i wish santa really exists! then everything will be so magical, your presents will appear during midnight and you'll be asleep!
in two more hours, it'll be christmas eve!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Posted by chelsea at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Introducing, my most favouritest witch of all times and fantasy worlds.
Serafina Pekkala.
Isn't she gorgeous? she makes an awesome witch too. with that mysterious but sense of justice look on her face. couldnt find a close up picture of her.haha!
and then..little billy boy.
BILLY! he's the one on the right. look at his hair. look in his eyes. look at his features!
i think he is by far, the most good looking small little boy i've ever seen. BILLY!
golden compass was superb. great great great story! great job philip pullman! and great job to director chris weitz for amazing directing and screenplay. i enjoyed it alot! i think its a must-see movie of the year, along with transformers. hahaha.. oh and i just got the golden compass book too. yay! cant wait to read it...but im not done with my other books yet. sooo, i've got to read them quick.haha!
and yes..referring to my to-do list yday. i've done my swimming. just four laps because of the rain this morning. i swear im jinxed.
we visited grandma..she's as cute as ever, nagging at everyone and me to go into uni.
went dwn to kino to get the golden compass book as well. yipee! and then came on back home.
and i just updated about golden compass.hehe.
now im thirsty and worried about tmr. feeling quite stressed about it.
i still need to think of new ideas for our productions and i have nothing in my head.
im going to get going now.so i can read and watch tv and think of ideas and sleep!
its raining, pitter patter on your window. have some sleep and rest.
gd night and bye!
Posted by chelsea at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 08, 2007
hello, another sleepy and late night!ahaha..
i was supposed to sleep early because....
im going swimming tomorrow!!haha!yay!
time to get those legs kicking and swim some long laps..
just two short laps and i get tired! that cant do! haha!
and yes..golden compass.not updated yet. i shall remind myself. haha!
christmas shopping today.
search for the golden compass storybk today.
visiting the grandmommy.
and purchasing the golden compass book.
AND updating about the movie.
haha! short list of what to do.
so then! good night everyone! have a good, early and nice rest!
merry christmas everyone!
Posted by chelsea at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Posted by chelsea at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
hello everybody.
you dont know how many times have the word australia appeared to me. people carrying australian bags, talking about australia and we even had a priest from australia down in church last week. oh man..its calling out to me. haha, but i've kind of decided. if i cant go down to aussie, i'll just have to live with it. yeah.
2. Joelyn's big 19th.
yeah..happy birthday jo! got her a pen sticking into ass man crying out loud pen holder. was super duper cute. but now, im all broke. i need my money back.
3. Muneera's big 19th.
another birthday! more money lost in the shopping world. haha.. we got her a wand, a magician hat and lighting bolt earrings. harry potter in the making. expelliarmus! and the funniest thing...HAGRID D'CUNHA. invented by rosy the great. definitely have to credit her for that. die laughing now.
4. Film shoot at my house and my sis and my bro.
they can act, i cant. haha! damn! my sis was a natural. my bro too..hopefully they can go into drama and become some big hollywood stars so my parents and i can live off them!haha! i shall pray for that..
5. Hero
Today. with rosy the great. not bad a show, too long though. i had backache from sitting too long on that uncomfy GV chair. was quite uneasy..and it was so cold. takuya was cool. they could have shown it on telly like the series though..coz the storyline was not THAT interesting. exactly like the tv series. hmm..
tomorrow is golden compass day.
i cannot wait!!! the witch, the polar bear and NICOLE KIDMAN!! yay!
i wish i could post more pictures, but my eyes are telling me to go to bed! so off to bed i go!
good night!
Posted by chelsea at 11:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Picture talk time!
chalet pictures!
out our window! sea view and some yachts!
scuba diving in the swimming pool!haha! let's go get our diving license!
out our window again!
The Flying Dutchman! haha!
my cute lil cousin!
so now we know, don't be dirty and throw stuff into the water. save the fishes and save the whales!
me and my yacht at the back.
i thought this cloud looked like the map of australia, but then i realised it looked more like marlin. marlin is nemo's dad in finding nemo. nemo was the stupid clownfish who got caught and left in the tank in SYDNEY!
look how everything is linked to australia! i need to go and study there! come on, let my parents win some lottery!haha!
awwww, how patriotic! :)
and my lovely little koala!
and, how was picture talk?
here are some updates.
some major events:
1. my japanese exam
was about 2 weeks ago, went totally crazy over it. was so afriad of failing, but it was alright in the end. hopefully i can pass with flying colours! yay! i haven touched my jap books till now and i think i may have forgotten everything! this suck.
2. university hunt
just went to some open house for universities in perth. getting all hyped up about it but still no cash and permission. hahaha! i think i need a part time job now, but im too lazy to work. lazy idiot.
3. bee movie
bee movie with sya, rosy and barry bee benson himself. complimentary tickets, yay! next up, enchanted, the kingdom, fred claus, hero and i cant remember what other flicks to catch. haha!
4. rosy posy's big birthday!
treasure hunt in school, looking for a lonely sock, blowing the candles and the gossipping during cake eating time. just for the fun of it, happy birthday again rosy!
i think that's it for today! i need to go to bed! cant believe im online. i told myself NOT to come online! boo! i got stuck because i had to post pictures. TSK.
ok, bye and good night!
Posted by chelsea at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
oooohhh!!! im back!
nice cute bimbotic layout!
like so totally whateverr.
i kinda like this layout, shall stick with it for awhile.
lets go on with the updates.
em, school's been fun, and tiring.
but it's much better than work anyways.
i've been thinking hard if i wanna go to uni, and decided i really wanna go to aussie to do my studies.BUT..my mum doesnt like it. boo..
i have a few more months to convince her...and save up.
it'll be such a great nice change of environment, experiencing life overseas by myself. haha. it prolly could make my life more interesting and at least i can say i've gone overseas to do some studying.haha..yeah.
so..off to bed i go. so sleepy!
Posted by chelsea at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 07, 2007

these two books including a small pokemon book which my bro got cost me 39 bucks..usually each book my sis and i picked costs 39 and above..ahaha..im amazed at how much we spend on books..ahaha..we should stop buying the hardcover ones!haha..
Posted by chelsea at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 05, 2007
i was not planning on posting today.
but i went youtubing and tried my luck at looking for a song i was greatly anticipating and i found it.
i want to share it.
a song by Take That called Rule the World.
this song was written and performed specially for Stardust.
when i first heard the song, i fell in love with it. im sure you guys will too. please enjoy the video.
i went as far as removing the song from my blog, so you wouldn't be disturbed.
it's worth it.
Stardust opens in cinemas November 1st in Singapore.
Please go catch it.
i went as far as taking out the song from my blog, you should know its worth it.
Posted by chelsea at 12:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
hello there!
it's so weird how things always happen again and again in a pattern.
i'm talking because of the sudden collapse of so many bridges in the world.
so, the first should be the one in US, and then China (or was it hong kong?haha!) and there was one in india? now vietnam!
of course, i would not have realised it if they didn't broadcast the news but still, can you imagine, bridges collapsing, that's not a very common thing is it? makes me link all these to harry potter..you know, voldemort is back and weird things are happening..HAHA!
and previously, when you think about it. when they started broadcasting things like plane crashes, train accidents and most significantly, the falling trees (or is it felling trees?i dont know..), most of them seemed to happen like once every month, RIGHT RIGHT?haha.. my dad spotted this first though. i remembered there was a time when they had somebody jump onto the tracks of the train and they didnt broadcast it, i asked my dad why they didnt do it and he said because it will keep happening and happening..haha!creepy huh??
im so tired and i want to go to bed!
last two days for my classmates! yay for us!haha!
you're off the fuckin' chain!
by the power of grey skull!
HAHA!!quotes from hot fuzz, awesome stuff.
i wanna write a book on myself!haha!i shall start soon!
Posted by chelsea at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
i just watched hot fuzz again and i cant stop myself from imagining me saying that.
its so weird how the british say it nicer than the singaporeans. fuckin' shit! haha!
you've got things like "bollocks" and "thought you was dead". if you said those in singapore, they'll prolly think you had no english teacher!haha..bollocks!
oh and chelsea lost to man united, damn sad that was. would have wanted some goals from chelsea but, it's alright, it's not the end of football. ahhh, chelsea's going down...... haha! bangers and mash!
im still too lazy to post up the pictures, will do it next time. last week of attachment for the classmates, one more week for me! i can do it! yup, chelsea's not going down for this one, take my word for it yeah! haha!
british slang all the way yeah.
bye yeah!
love yeah!
bollocks, bangers and mash, thought you was dead and fuckin' shit yeah.
Posted by chelsea at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
here are some updates!
i finally saw mr jeffrey katzenberg!ahaha!
he was awesome, and so were the rest of the paramount bosses.
they were so good with their presentation skills, nobody else i've seen could have been better.
katzenberg stood up to talk and he was no joker, there were a few encouragements and funny things he said. but mostly just strict instructions like "it's going to be a big film for us so i expect everyone to put in their 110%" he spoke really slowly, not like the rest of the speakers but to me, he was someone who really ran through the things he wanted to say in his head, and that's scary.
last saturday was more fun!
made a trip down to waseda shibuya high sch for their open house. 2nd year this time and it was still a great experience.
and then we had our JMD bbq.
JMD bbq was funny! i went around snapping candid shots like nobody's business. the shots were super hilarious, not sure if im able to put them up.haha!
i shall put up photos perhaps in the next post. so messy and confusing!ahaha!
its the 23rd of Sept. just 5 more days to go before we actually end our attachment! yay!
my boss got me to stay for another one week though, damn. thats one week of watching tv and rest gone, SHIT! well, what was i supposed to say? NO? and get a D grade? im quite confident of getting myself a C now, i screwed up real bad these last few weeks. i thought i did my work slower during my first three months but my boss thought otherwise, she suddenly thought i was not efficient enough, so she got me in the conference room, asked me what was happening to me..blah blah..and after all that, she said :"i dont want to give you a C these last two months" (she just told me that last week, so it wasnt exactly two months.) hmmm, whatever then, i will try to do my best and not to sulk because i got myself into this shit. i pretty much have an idea what i want to write in my report already, but its the last week and i haven started on it. i am going to be so stressed! i wish i had more rest! attachment really isnt so fun...
ok, im going to bed now. im so tired, i haven done my jap homework and im starting to fall back, cant catch up already since im almost always dozing off in class..urgh. SLEEP SLEEP!!
I smell a blog layout change coming soon too!
Posted by chelsea at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
sorry, was lazy to clean up the previous post!
HAHA!come now, i will leave yall something interesting to read about me!!
got tagged by alixues and figured why not?
here goes...
Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
1. i really enjoy dancing! especially copying dance moves from music videos!HAHA!
2. i dont like ipods, but i just got the ipod video. because the offer and quality was so good!
3. i love to hear the sound of the rain pattering on my window while im sleeping.
4. i seriously believe i can just die anytime.
5. and because of point number 4, i believe i treasure my life, family and friends alot, although i dont show it.
6. if i had lots of money, i will get a house, merc, maid, give my parents a good life and if i still have lots leftover, i will split the money into 3 portions: one for me, one for animal conservation and the last for some charity.
7. the ultimate song which can cheer me up anytime is "The way you look tonight." it MUST be the westlife version or else there wont be any effect. HAHA!!
8. i dream of the day i get to sit in some peaceful green meadow, with cooling wind and read nice books.
9. i want to be successful and change the world. haha!so evan almighty...
10. i want to print newspapers on clean paper badly so i wont get dirty fingers when i read them.
alrighto, and the six people are:
sok hiang, flora, gerry, trixy, joelyn and cheryl.
just naming six people for the sake of naming them.ahaha!
im so tired, no more updates!!
good night everybody!
lots of love!!
Posted by chelsea at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Posted by chelsea at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Even better than The Bourne Ultimatum, so if you enjoyed Bourne, please go catch this.
Introducing to you,
The Kingdom.
That was the trailer for you, the synopsis is so long, i decided to delete it!haha! so then, my views.
The kingdom is awesome because it has the potential of changing the world. So much reality in it, down to the bloody bodies and gunshots. very impactful, full of emotion, you will walk out of the theatre appreciating the world more. it also touches on the values which are most precious between countries and the most neglected. its so worrying that things like these happen, we should pray more often. was expecting a slow, boring action flick something like Air Force One, but it turned out more. i have so much to say on it. i walked in fearing death, and i walked out fearing death even more. more because it is so easy to die. i believe people know that it's easy to die, but watching it makes it more painful. like, you can never hide from it. it was really frightening to watch.
the story and screenplay is awesome beyond believe. the two main reasons to watch The Kingdom.
So go watch it yeah!! TRUST ME.
Posted by chelsea at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
BIG bananas!have you seen them before??!

ok, now for little boy!haha!



bouncing yo! 2 chimps!


OOOH, i love the fan!

gerry, me and jia hui!!
hello, im cool today.
haha! no more hard feelings, forgotten forgotten and forgotten.
lets start on the PSP now!haha..nah, dont feel like using it. very into my songs now.
i just want to sing more and more and more!! natsu was awesome!
Posted by chelsea at 9:04 PM 0 comments