time for the last post of the year...hmm...
Last blog entry for 2006.
i feel scared for the coming 2007..
i dont want to start school..and another year..every year is passing so fast!!oh no!!
what happened to all the slow years??ahahaha..
Happy 2007 to everybody...
i lag la...
kept this entry here until 2007...
i will miss 2006 and i hope 2007 will pas slowly..coz after 2007..i will have to start work already...
ahhh....i miss 2006..
i am glad that it has been a great year!!!
Thank you to 2006!!
and thank you to everybody else i know!!
Thank you for letting me know you!!
lots of love!!!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Posted by chelsea at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 16, 2006
16th of December is Keita's birthday!!!
i think he is like 21..if im not wrong..ahahaha...
Posted by chelsea at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 14, 2006
not going to elaborate on that is clear enough...
i would like to thank god...???!!!...hahaha..for creating holidays..and if i may add..please make vacations longerrrr..PLEAAAASSSEEE...ahahaha..
so..HAPPINESS in the air...but it's not going to last long..ahahaha..project work starts during the holidays too...STUPID!ahahaha..
after school, i went to watch sister didnt like it very much..she said it was extremely different from the book...
BUTTT...since i didnt read the book, i love it!!ahahaha...
Saphira is pretttyyyyyyy...ahahahaha...super prettttyyyy...
love,gentle and sweetttt..ahahaha..i would like a pet dragon..ahahahaha..
storyline was good tooo...but according to the sister who is loyal to her books, she says that too much information have been cut..ahahaha...that's a pityyy..the shots were just alrighttt...some shots were just to fast to understand..yea huhh..i like the movieee..its gooooddd..anything that has got to do with magic and fantasy is good for me..ahahaha..
ehhh...tml is friday...friday...nice for a good long sleep, nice for waking up late, nice for lazing around before sitting down in front of the tv to watch some jap drama or yes...i shall do that tml...provided..there are no last minute plans..ahahaha..
singing is starting to become a bother because it is difficult to sing a song written by ourselves(meaning my friends.)..yea...but..i haven given up on going for a kbox session's my life....ahaha..
new interest!
i'm currently very into doing word search puzzles..ahahaha...
right after this entry, i will be doing my word yupyup...ahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
im so upset that i may upset somebody..ahahaha...
ahhh....i hope everything works out fine and that nobody will get traumatised..ahahaha..
stress stressss..ahahaha...
projectss..ahahaha..lets get this over and done with...
i have so many things to do besides projs...ahhh..
and brother is currently having his chickenpox...ahahaha...
i think my sister and i may be is quite a good way of holidaying..
i would have also wanted to stay home for the whole hols..the only difference is that i will hopefully i can leave out the scratching parts...ahhh...i think i will die from all the refraining from scratching..haha..
good luck for tomorrow!ahahaha!!
bye byee!!
Posted by chelsea at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 08, 2006
just changed my layout..ahahhaa..
im quite pleased with it..ahaha..i will go and find a suitable picture to post in my image corner..
yupyup..searching for a pooh bear picture..ahaha...
i just listened to the demo song which me, joelyn and maria will have to sing for maria's entrepreneurship project and it is sounding gooodddd!!aahahaha...YESSSAAA..singing topic again...KBOX!hahaha..ok...cant wait to get the instrumental and sing it..ahahaha...
tomorrow is chalet day..hmm..will be gone for two days..hopefully the place is nice and clean..
okie off to play some games before i start on any project work on monday or soon..
i have no idea what else i have to blog about..ahahaha..
oohoohhh..after project yday..i had a super good sleep!!ahahah..super itt...
ok...Happy Belated Brithday to Pearlynn's Dominic..ahahaha...8th Dec..i didnt know...
bye bye now!!ahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Just finished with changing my blog layout..ahaha..
i have not showered therefore i am going to shower now..
i will come back to write something later..ahaha..
Loves for now!ahahaha..
i love the layout and i love my westlife song!ahahaha..
sing along now..
That's why i'm easy,
Easy like Sunday Morning...
Okok.....shower NOW!ahahaha...
Posted by chelsea at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
i watched open season today...its been a long time since i watched a movie..and a cartoon at that..ahahaha..i miss watching cartoons...i didnt watch flushed away and happy feet...oh mann..that is sadddd...but...i do not have all the money in the world to spend on cartoon/movie..once in two months?ahahaha..that will leave me enough money for at least one kbox session every month..AHAHAHA!!
i may have at least mention kbox in dont know how many entries looo..ahahaha.. season...with rosy and alixues..ahaha.
its alright..funny and cute...ahahaha..the porcupine and his "buuuuuuuddddddyyyyyy..."..
and then we found out the two skunks were called rosy and maria...
AHAHAHA..rosy and maria!!!ahahahaha...i like the part where the boog and elliot were in the shop having fun munching on the food..ahahaha..super funny...i odnt know what was funny coz i cant remember..but i remember myself laughing most during that memory is dying and i cant help it..ahahaha...
project is disgusting...i feel so slacky and lazy...i just dont wanna open up my brain to think...just let it stay in its couch and watch tv for the whole lifetime...that is what i wanna do..ahahaha..i dont wanna do my projects!!!!!ahhhhhh....LAZINESS IS BLISS...ahahahahaha...
ok then.....i came home and went to grab my clothes to go shower...then in the bathroom, i saw my bedsheets in the pail mummy changed my bedsheets for me this time...ahahahaha...and she used my winnie the pooh sleeping with pooh for the next few weeks!ahahahha..therefore, im a happy kid for today!ahahaha.. off to watch my stand up drama...hope my daddy doesn't come in at the wrong time...ahahahahaa...and then afetr that..i will decide what i shall write and do for my proj...ahahaha..ok loveliesssss...hopefully..during class tml...we get to sing sing sing...ahahaha...
bye byeeeee!!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:30 PM 0 comments
blogger and google working i have to sign in using my sis's gmail account...hmph!!
i want my old userid back!ahahaha...
im so lazy to post laaaa..
friday was muneera'a bday, and we went out to celebrate it with her...
it was more of a young mother's association day because blessie brought her brother's what we did...
-marina square
-the girls did christmas shopping
hahaha...i love and hate the arcade.....
its a bloody waste of money...and you get scared out of ur soul too... get to drive...ahahaha...
love the driving and jurassic park of the arcade...only thosee..i think...
hmmm...was on the bus home and westlife's version of "The way you look tonight" played in my love with it...ahahaha..simply soothing and lovelyyy...
oh yes..everytime i start talking about know what im looking forward to...
another session lovely KBOX...ahahahhaa..cant wait!!haha..
im about to change the song on my blog...putting in a westlife love song...
their latest album is perfect!!!
love songssss..super duper niceeeee......
this new song is called..Easy.
"That's why i'm easy, i'm easy like Sunday Morning."
haven really taken a look at the lyrics to see what it is about..but that line and tune is already attractive enough..ahahaha..
another thing...i've started watchign another of yamapi's old drama....
Stand Up!!
that's the's about 4 school boys who are the only virgins left in school and they wanna lose their virginity by the time they's quite sick....but it's alright too..ahahaha...
wanna finish this drama soon and move on to ayumi's concert and then to one litre of tears..ahahaha...thanx to yanting..for lending it to me...i will watch it soon!!!ahahahaha..\ to change the song....
ohoh...i will wanna change my blog layout soon again!ahahaha...
lovelovelove lots!!!!
Posted by chelsea at 12:15 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 26, 2006
YAY!! i have something to blog about...
i think im dying soon...ahaha...
i've had a couple of dreams now, of myself dying..ahaha..and its super scary...
suffocating to death, being blown up...hahaha..wahh..
that is why..i think i can conclude that...
after my top fear of horror next fear will be dying..ahahaha...
my daddy says that i shouldnt be afraid to die because it is a good thing..i just have to remember god and the ten commandments...then i wont be afraid anymore..
others say that dying will be better because the world is too cruel to live in...
The Rose-Westlife lyrics says..
"and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live"
all these advices doesn't really beat the feeling of death coming for you...
if i know im going to die, i think i will cry a whole bucket full of tears..because i will really miss my family, if i ever go before anyone of them..
i wonder if my daddy or anybody ever really thought of death before they said that death is not is really a super scary thing...imagine you are out at school..and then you die in dont even get to see your family before you die...i know you may see them from heaven, but its a totally different cannot touch them or talk to them anymore..ahhhhh.....scary okkkk...even worst...if you thought tomorrow is going to be just another good day, but then you just suffer a heart attack and die..the moment you close your eyes, you are wont see the world anymore...
im feeling so paranoid i hate it...those dreams are really making me so day, i will lose my courage and guts..ahahaha..
hmm..other than dying, my lovely classmates are actually watching japanese dramas...ahahaha...LOVELYYYYY...gokusen first and now nobuta!!can you believe it...
NOBUTA...with my yamapi in it..ahahaha..I LOVE YAMAPI!!ahahaha.. nobuta power..chu nyu!!KON KON! bye bye cycle!!ahahaha..
yesyesss..more projects on the way..i made new jap frens last thurs...i had my long-awaited kbox session last im very satisfied at the moment..hahaha..i will need mroe rest if all my projects are to be done on going off now..
aahahaha...i hope i wont be so bothered about dying anymore...ahhhh...
byeeeee bye cycle!!hahaha...
my jap friends...i miss them!!
our pretty!!!
Posted by chelsea at 2:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 05, 2006
i miss singing..ahahahaha...kbox next friday, not the coming im really looking forward to that...whew...
ahhhh...i dont know what im typing..there's sch tml..and there's going to be jmd too..whew..sch n cca..i can do it!!!!NO STRESS...NO STRESS AT ALL....yupyup...
ehh..time to update about our lecturers...ahahahaha...
two new lecturers..and one more about to teach too..ahahaha..they are all pretty is giving us loads of homework..which is confusing and hateful..ahahaha..and then there's one who isnt that patient with us..and lets just hope the new lecturer is a sweety..ahahaha..hmmm..its just 4 weeks into sch..but everything is moving fast enough..i swear my memory is failing..oh no...dont wanna be old that soon..hahaha..soon i'll be forgettin everything..ahahaha..haiyaaa...
ok..i will be going off now..
byeeeee...oyasumi nasai!!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006
alrighty then...
diyana shared this super lovely website with me...and i love itt..let me post the link here...please go and have a look...its hilarious dont have to worry about scary things..ahahaha...§ionid=4&id=14&Itemid=27
yupyup..the japanese are crazy website..ahahaha...whew....laugh like maddd...and ohoh...i found this super adorabel video from there too...and i just had to share you go...
KAWAII NE!!!!!!OMGGG..right right????the cutest ever..ahahaha... off to do my project work...everything is going smoothly mann..its all gooodddd!!ahahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
ahn nyung ha sae yo!
ahahahaha..just wanted to try out a different way of hello!ahahahaha..
today's main thing is....
i just had a visit to the drillingggg....yuck...!!i hate the dentist..i hope the dentist did a good job coz it feels worst than previously and it is so damn expensive....stupid dentistttt...hahaha..
projects slowing coming in..and gettin more tired each day..ahahaha..and im thinking of taking up extra classes for several madddd...ahahaha...
i wanna learn japanese language...and the piano..ahahah..wahhh..imagine me having to fit in these two along with my studies..i think i will go into depression mode dont think my sch schedule will allow it..even thought the timetable says school ends at this particular time..we still have to stay back for projects or extra jap and piano lessons will be delayed for quite awhile..ahahaha..
next thing already craving for another session of KBOX..ahahaha... friends...please make our way there soon yea...ahahaha..SINGSINGSING...
alrighto..before i go off...i need to share this video la..ahahaha..
its the in thing now...and its the latest craze in jmd...
its maasara blue jeans..ahahaha...if you dont know what that is...please enjoy the following video..ahahahaha...
OWOWWWWW!!!teeth painnn!!!ahahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
i dont have much to just...
im craving for beancurd..nice cold beancurd...yummmyyyy..
ahahahaha...tml i ask mummy buy..ahahahaha.. offffff...
Posted by chelsea at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
today was my 1st day of school..hmm..didnt really feel like school..felt like i was just attending some orientation..or talk..yea...ahhh..i can feel the stress coming in already just from today..ahahaha..just hope i can cope with far so good...ahhhh..ok then..let me talk about yday...ahahaha..
yday..was the actual day of school..but then our lecturers cancelled we had the day off..and then the kbox budies met up for a good session of kboxing..ahaha...finally...on the last day of holidays..ahahah..we went over to kbox..yupyup..the usual singing..jay,jolin,she,a whole load of chinese songs and english songs..and wahhh..blessann and her nicky lee..ahahaha...that girl is in lovee..ahahaha..come on over to the world of idolisation mannn...ahahahahhaa....YESSSAAA...sang till 8.45..and then we left..ahahahaha..couldnt really sleep last night..coz of school..ahahaha..i hope i can sleep well tonight... can i say about today..i dont know...i think its back to leavin this blog..with no updates again...coz i cant really rem what happened..and..there's no more mood to update again..ahahaha...
there's jmd tomorrow...ahahaha..lets see whether i have anything interestin to update tml then..ahahaha...
Posted by chelsea at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
feels weird watchin the video of shark finning on my blog..ahahaha..i dont entry is to update about my new are some pics..ahahaha..
there.. before putting in the bedsheets and after puttin in the sleeping upstairs mann..wahhh..that was yday i've already slept on my bed once....and i think i prefer my old are the reasons why...
1. because my old bed isnt a bunk bed..i can always run into my room and plonk on my i cant!now, i have to climb a ladder before i troublesome is thatt??hahaha..
2. now my sis n i need two fans because one for me and one for her..ahahaha..
hmmm..funny we didnt lay out the disadvantages when we were about to get the bed..actually..what my mum wants is to create more space in my room..ahahaha..but to some great disadvantages...ahh...but i think we will soon get used to it..ahahahha..ok lets talk about how well i slept..ahahaha..being the 1st time sleeping in a bunk bed..i still have to get use to the thought of the wood pieces suddenly givin way and my whole level dropping dwn on my sis..and ehh..throughout the night..i had to take care not to toss and turn too much..and if i did..i had to do it slowly and think i prolly didnt have a gd nights sleep because i woke up in the morning quite grumpy..ahahahaha..
and in the grumpy mood i was in..the last thing i wanna see would be my lil bro eating the chocolate eclair that was supposed to be my that made my mood lovely chocolate eclair mannn!!!hahahaha...and then my mood improved..why?because i had my daily dose of television programmes..and because my bro went off to is goodd...yup...
i've been having troubles deciding what song to play on my blog laaaa...but then i cant stand my blog without a song so i've just uploaded a korean song to be played on this blog..ahahaha..and then im looking at my blog and hmmm...japanese and korean clash??ahahahaha...noooo...nice korean song matches the nice simple japanese layout ok..ahahahaha....the song is from the show it yeaaa...
im off!
bye love!
Posted by chelsea at 2:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006 back to post..and guess what this post is going to be about...hahaha...
my saving wildlife mission mannnn...i am crazyy..ahahaha...but still i have to post this entry...because i found the video i wanna post about sharks..ahahaha...
there....please try not to eat shark's fin anymore ok...!!it's really not good...and there are better delicacies like maybe roast duck or something...i dont know why..but ducks, chickens, pigs and fish are a whole lot more abundant than other species of more shark's fin!!!!wahhh..actually..other than postin this video..i dont know what else i can do already...if i go to a restaurant and they serve me shark's fin..the best i can do is not eat it..and then either somebody else will eat it or it will be wasted...hahaha...but still...dont eat ittt...hahahaha!!
ok..i'll be back with more videos..ahahahaha!!next will be killing for the skin and fur...
Posted by chelsea at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
im posting pictures again!ahahaha...
so..these pictures tell a story...the story of my room..ahahaha..on tuesday morning..i was woken up quite early in the that our beds could be moved to my grandma's place..yea...the 1st 2 pictures you see..are those of the uncles moving mine n my sis's bed into the truck..sad picturessss...and then the truck was to the grandma's place...ahahaha...
then i took pictures of my really empty room..whoaaaa...that picture above turned out nice ehhh??hahahaha...and then there are also pictures of my bed on the floor..ahahaha..we are sleeping on the flooorrr..ahahaha.."we are like koreans for two days!!" says the sister..STUPID SISTER..ahahahahahaha...but is quite interesting to be sleeping on the floor..but then one bad thing was..i could see the dust and hair on the floor and it's disgustinggg..ahahahaha...tonight...will be another night of sleeping on the floor and them it will be over..ahahahaha..
hmm..i love spending my time at home..since monday..i've spent quality time with my television n i feel extremely gooddd..ahahahaha..there is just a point of time in the afternn..after 1pm..that there are suddenly no nice programmes on sis n i takes out the vcds to watch nice if i can do this will be loverrrrllyyy..ahahaha..sch is starting next tuesday instead because all my lessons on monday is kbox gang is calling for a session of kboxing..ahaha..i hope we really have one..but i dont think all of jay chou's new songs are can only sing the old songs laaa...hahahaha...kboxxxx yaayyyy!!haha!!!
ok..i have nothing else to update
im offff!!!
Posted by chelsea at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
so yday's dinner/supper..i think i regretted going to that damn place to stuff myself with food..because when i reached home yday..i felt extremely pissed with i can let myself be talked into going to that stupid supper..urghhh...the mroe i think about it...the more i feel angryyyy.....HMPH...!i shall learn how to start saying NO! to people..URGHHHH...this whole week is starvation week for me because of yday night..DAMN IT...the buffet is nothing special, just food, plates, peopel and lucky i dont have to fork out any money or else i will be feeling worse than now...alright more talk about this stupid thing....lets move on... dad started taking apart mine n my sis's bed..and that means he took the headboard and the drawers bed looks so hollow and lonely was after everything had been taken out..that i realised i haven taken a picture with my going to miss my bedd...and i dont really understand whyy...hahahaha...feelings for the! me take u through the next few days of the mini transformation of my room..ahahaha...
startin from today..after the taking apart of the drawers and bed looks like this!
and these are the headboards and drawers... 9am lovely bed and everything else will be transported over to my grandma's house so that she can use it..that means my sis n i have to be up by 9am and after tml..we will be sleeping on the floor..ahahaha.. no more bed stories...lets move on to my storybook story...
my weird mouse storybook is gettin pretty interesting..the weird mouse falls in love with a human interestin is that???!!and he gets punished for even lettin a human spot he gets sent to the dungeon to feed the rats that live there...and then the story gets more interestin because the author uses words like..:"And reader, the story gets more interesting from here." coooll..i like it...hahahaha..
ok then...i should be off noww..i wanna carry on where i left off with my book..and spent more time with my bed..ahahaha..
PS.oh teeth still hurts..hahaha!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 08, 2006
my whole family has been on a shopping spree this whole week...we are really sis n i just got a bunk bed..ahahahaha...its coming on thurs but we have to get rid of our old beds with headboards by this tues...this means that we will have to sleep on the floor...(japanese style-according to the stupid sister of mine.)hahahaha...
and then we just bought books too...storybooks..mine's about this weird mouse called despereaux..looks super sweet and nice to read..but i've only touched the 1st will talk about it soon...i think...
its now 10:04pm and i have to rush off to this stupid restaurant to have a farewell dinner buffet with my colleagues..what a stupid and lame idea from my uncle...???it's late,everybody's tired and i dont feel like eating at all...(the past few days of heavy eating certainly did put me off eating more n more food..)STUPIDDDDDDD...
accordin to my unlce, the buffet is only $6.80 and u eat loads of stuff...let me go there and check out the quality before saying least i gave the restaurant and my stupid uncle a chance....
i've been saying alot of STUPIDS lately..and i hope i dont upset anyone with it...
its just like an exclamation like..ehhh...WOW! HUH?...wait...i dont know what i just meant..never mind..i will leave the words there lying..ahahaha...
ok...last bit of update...
there is something wrong with my teeth...
they are hurting and the pain is like when new teeth are sprouting out...n my whole bottom row of teeth is feeling like thattt..MAYBE ITS THE HAZE...
ok...have to go to the stupid place nowww...
Posted by chelsea at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 07, 2006
its 12.30am and i haven had my normal sleep for the past decade i m now rushin off this entry so that i can go to bed properly and enjoy my day later...
1. im officially out of job because yesterday was my last day at work!
i am super happy but super sad coz im going to miss some very nice ppl..hahaha...
2. it is super hazy outside!
its like we are living on clouds...where everything is foggy and misty..just that this haze is suffocating and warm...STUPID.
3. i have one more week left to enjoy my holidays!
after that it is back to school and more going to hate ittt...
and lastly...
4. i get to see my family again!! (my family includes my tv...)
ahahaha...haven seen and talked to them properly for the past decade as job means more family!!!(and more tv!!!) ahahahahaha..
ok..thats alll then!!!
my lovely i comeeee!!!ahahahaha...
Posted by chelsea at 12:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
i've decided to leave the pics as it is..but i am going to keep posting entries so that the pics will be gone soon..ahahahaha...
hmmm..i just signed out from msn..after a long conversation with my crazy jmd are some of the words which appeared in our conversation..
silent screamer
silent laughter
silent retards
clap clap hands over head
to gerry:
to juna:
to sok hiang:
to chelsea:
who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
I'm gonna make you into a RAMEN! (this came from the RAMEN herself..AKIRA RAMEN)
charmander i choose you!
go ghastly!
I ZA NA ZU KI cannot be played.
Pls proceed to counter A to send it again.
ur words movinnn..
and most importanly in my opinion: QOO. those are the more..important words from the whole convo...ahahaha..there were many icons too..but how the hell do i show them here??crazy family they really are...all started the convo with why i like to eat spiders...ahahahaha...COOLCOOOLL!!!
ehhh..its fun to come home from work and switch on my currently very empty computer..just to surf and talk..there are no popups and WOWWW..i feel as if my computer is lightttt..ahahahaa..ok...enough about my beloved computer...let me tell you about work...
you know the thing about my work is...i get money..but i have to put up with disgusting pests and people..some people are ok..the chef at my work place cooks food with a portion so measly that i wouldnt call it food...tidbits would suit it better..and payin $7.50 for tidbits doesnt feel good at all...not for an average customer like ME!hahahaha..
and then rated lesser than the OK people are the unhygienic ones..the ones who uses the spoon to dip towels into a tub filled with bleach and still can proudly is just hand sanitizer...hand sanitizer and washin towels just doesnt link mannn..ahahaha..
last but not least...there are these certain few ppl who just are so disgusting that whenever you see them or sense them, you automatically get a spasm..hahaha..spasms are not good for the body so i try to stay far far far away from these ppl...yupyup...
and oh sum everything up on a very clean n pure note...hahahaha..
work can be very fun and cool with nice n funny people who just doesnt answer if u ask a question..or maybe i am just too soft spoken..ahahaha..the restaurant is closing soon and i thank god it is...ahahahaha..that place is going to the dogs if it continues running..ahahaha..
im going off noww...
Posted by chelsea at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
i've been lazy again..
ahahaha...but i think i shall come here to post pictures now..ahaha...tryin out the image posting thing on blogspot..ahahaha.. preparation!!ahahaha..
everybody just puttin on the traditional hapi..
taken before we leave school...
ahahaha..whole jmd family!
our pink and blue matsuris!!ahahahahaha...lovelyyy!!!
the children in the jmd family...standin according to age..from left to right..and then the youngest in the family in the middle..ahahaha..
JMD family portrait.children and the adults..ahaha...
so..this post was a draft actually because i still had pics to post..
but thennn...yesterday..
my computer system crashed on just realised that i have no pics to post now...
have to go get the pics from my friends...
our jmd debut performance was alrighttt..ahahaha...
can be counted successful...!!ahahaha..i had a lot of fun preparing for all worth it..ahahaha..
ooohhhh...ok..about this week thenn..
loads of money spent on piggg...
lets see ahhh..
monday-changing appettites with clorine n cherie
tues-thai express with joleen n maria
and today- swensens... lovelyyy...spending money on foooddd!!ahahaha..
and then..after one hard day's work..and eatingg...
went over to school for jmd..supposed to reach at 3pm..but then i reached at 5pm...
so..i would have thought that they started dancin n all already..but nooooo...ahahaha...when i reached...they were watchin the summary of johnny's world concertt..ahahaha...ooohhhh lala!!!!YAMAPI!!!!!!ahahahaha..
so then we carried on for awhile until i started learnin the dance juna choreographed...boa's song-silent screamerz...the dance is niceee...ahahahah..juna also choreographed a dance for super w-inds....!!!so...after this boa song is done..i shall move on to my super lover...woohooo...hahahaha...and then we left at 6pm..the gang decided where to eat and headed over to woodlands..i went home instead...hahaha..
and then...after dinner n family went over to tp courts to look for a bunk bed..ahaha..for me n my sis..we wanna re-do our room...bunk bed for more space in the room to put in a tv, cdplayer and mayb a set of the moment, my study is overly cramped too...just wanna clear out everything..ahahaha..stupid boxess..ahahaha..
alrightyyy...this post is too long for my liking...i shall end here..and go off to mayb study some japanese...ahahaha..
i hate this blogspot image posting thingggg...cant seem to get it right...makes my blog look so messy...urghhhh..ahahahhaa...i might take down the pics if i hate it the next time i come online..ahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
im here to update about my recent likings..
yup..there is a new kid called ichihara hayato..the lead actor for waterboys2..
there's a pic for you..ahaha..
he looks super good in the yukata..makes me wanna own one myself!
so...then my other liking...
i've fallen in love with japanese traditional music..
they are super nice to listen to mannn...all the mumbling of words..ahaha..
i might consider putting a jap trad song on my blog mann..ahahaha..
ehh..will be going for jmd practice later...
also wanna finish up the little secret video i mentioned...hahaha..
i have work tml...i hope it wont tire me out..hahaha..
actually...i dont get it..
im suddenly bloggin again...
i think it will die down after this week though...coz this week had been quite interesting..
as far as i know it..
okie dokes...
Posted by chelsea at 1:38 PM 0 comments
changed my layout,this layout is so cute!
ahahaha..sweet and simple..
have no idea why this couple theme reminds me of water boys 2..
eikichi-kun and shiori-chan!ahahaha..
love the show!!!haha..more jap dramas please!,let me try and update...
went out with mummy today..
felt superbly awesome i didnt have to go to work today..
just too bad the schedule for tuesday is full..ahaha..
so...back no work today then..
went to best denki at takashimaya..
MADD..we bought a new telly..ahaha..
on promotion of course..or else i wouldnt even mention it here..
its coming home the evening..
and i wont get to see it first...
ahahaha..coz i have jmd practice tml!!!YIPEE!!
practising for the performance on friday..cant wait...
it's like..i dont think i have ever performed in public before..i think.. already got the handy dandy camera ready..ahaha..
i really hope everything goes well...yupyup..
here is a list of things i need to do:
- enrol myself in some japanese language course..haha!
- do the little secret video i m suppose to do..haha!
- SING! [coming home late when everybody is asleep,gives me no chance to sing at all]
- WATCH TV!! [i m so deprived, i hate it!!!]
- and borrow more nice japanese dramas..hahaha!! [they are a part of my life now..]
alrighty...let me go n do my lil secret video now..
ahahaha..doesn't sound right...ahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 17, 2006
i am so lazy to post pictures and type so much..
i just want to say that singapore can be counted quite cool to have two japanese schools in singapore! ahaha..
and i am so lucky to have started loving japanese music and culture..ahahaha..
that is why i am so lucky to be able to visit the two japanese schools and also have so many chances to meet japanese people...ahahaha...
really...happiness is in the airrr...ahahahahhaa...
so...waseda shibuya senior high school is brilliant..ahahaha..
lots of fun...lots of visual appeals...
my fellow japanese club members are brilliant too...all the fooling around..wooo...makes everything more HIGH..ahahaha..
we went to try on their uniforms and they are briiliant too...('s key word is brilliant here...AHAHA..)so we took pictures, and they are...absolutely brilliant...ahahahaha...nicenice...
our guide's name is KEITA...ahahahaha...
we had a power ranger popping up almost everywhere..
and the place was super crowded..ahahaha..
super love the place...
if i can go there and study..i will..
but that will never happen mann..SIGHHHH..
ahahahaha.. going to bed...if i can come and update i will..
work is starting to bore me...let me get my yummy pay and see whether i wanna continue..ahahaha...
lovelove lovelies....
Posted by chelsea at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
wahh...i see this blog getting dusty..ahahaha...
well..its the holidays..
had fun during the 1st week...just sitting at home and sleeping...
watching gokusen!!
OMG!!!gokusen is superb!!the naughty boys and the cute teacher..ahahaha..
its like really damn funny..really reallyyy...and its super cool too...
japanese boys...ahahahahahaha...
gokusen 1 and 2 are on youtube too...and i've just been watching gokusen part 2 from there...hmm..the quality is seriously not badd ahhh...
BUT AH....
youtube is slowly taking down the videos...they already took down gokusen 1 coz of some copyrights thing with the nippon television network ahh......haiyaaaa...that means i have to finish gokusen 2 quickly...hahahaha...
so sad laaaa....
its 4pm..n i have to go get ready for work!
its quite cool to be working..but then..working in a restaurant is like..too have to be so formal and polite and also try not to drop stuff onto ur customers..ahahahaha...haiyaaaaa...
this entry is boring...i will try to update soon thennn..haha..
take care!byeeeee!!!
Posted by chelsea at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
im backkk!!!
too many projects time to blog or talk at all..ahahahaha..
okkkk...nanyang poly had japanese students from shizuoka over at sch last wed...some school visit thing..yupyup...
WONDERFUL..i was actually a volunteer like backup but..we got to become buddies with the jap students coz some people didnt make it..
we had to prepare a gift for the jap buddies but because i was backup...
i had to use the present the sch gave..DAMN IT...
EMBARRASSSSSSMENT......was so jap buddy gave me a puzzleee!!ahahaha..
love it!!
i knew i had to get my buddy something else so i got a chance!!
we were invited to join them for shoppin and sightseeing on saturday...
damn cool...i never thought we would see them for two days...n i had time to get my buddy a gift..ahahahaha..i actually went to buy a forever friends bear which was holding a balloon saying GOOD LUCK..but i changed my mind on friday more 12mn..i got the idea of puttin many sweets inside this star box, n i added in this bear and keychain saturday came by quite normally..ahahahaha..everybody was extremely excited before saturday..ahahaha...on friday..just frantic..ahahaha..
so we in our grp, me, long mei, yanting, joy, jessica came later and velda(thank god for velda coz she speaks jap like she is japanese..haha!) went over to orchard parade hotel to meet our buddiess..of coz we brought our cameras..most people dont get to know japanese friends you knowwwww....
we went to forum macs to have breakfast...from here...long mei and i got the addresses and birthdates of the girls..we exchanged our addresses and birthdates too..they have no computers and emails so we have to send them letters through snail mail..ahahaha...
then we decided to bring them to heeren for them to shop around..but the shops were not open.. we shopped in hmv for awhile..then we went to take the mrt to city hall, to get to marina sq..
our jap buddies were absolutely adorable at the mrt station.....they bought their mrt cards using the machine and they were like..."SUGOIII!!! " and when they knew they had to tap to get into the station, they were also going "SUGOIIIII!!! " after they tap and were in the station...still going.."SUGOIIII!! "hahahaha...wahhh..japanese them... we got to marina..the girls, long mei and i...we bought this little bracelet wear was lovely..
we were at mini toons also...they were all looking at hair accessoriessss!!ahahaha..including the boyssss!!! not huh???
so then this one guy who loves winnie the poohhh..(AHHH!!!!ME TOO!!!)bought like 2 bears i rich la..spend money on's a pic of this pooh bear fan whom yan ting and i decided to call MR KON (KON-KON!) !
version 1..MR KON is in white!
version 2.with me!
and then we all split up to do our own shopping, long mei and i went to get friendship bracelets for everyone!! niceee...
after marina was photo taking session.....outside marina sq...
now..the time for pictures...
group pic!!
what are you doing pink shirt guy??? his name is fumiya!!
kiyomi and hikaru!!!funny poseee!!!
MR KON!! KON KON!!he loves winnie the pooh la..pooh fan, pooh bag, pooh bearss... same interest!!
CHI NAMI!!one of the 3 girls...she loves mickey mouse..
SAYO!!!cute poseee!!
FUMIYA!! the cool one la...the one who bang against the wall while performing..hilarious dude!!!ahahaha..
MY BUDDY!!! shy la him...ahahaha...
KIYOMI!!!!!she was the 1st jap person i talked to..i like her alotttt!!!i missss her!!!!
cooolll all the individual shots...hahahaha..
ehhh..alright..then we went over to lau pat eat...
they all hated durian paste lo..ahahaha...damn saddd..ahahaha...fumiya ate up the whole thing though..ahahahaha.. funny dude!!!more pics ahhh!!!!long mei and i gave the frenship bracelets thingies to the jap ppl..and we all put it on..aahahaha..
OMG..see that pooh fan next to my head??ahahahaha...
whoa....we were supposed to be back at the hotel at 4.30...but we realised that we will be we told the jap students...and they were quite scared...they borrowed our phone to call their teacher mann...they were soooo afraid of being to salute the japanese people...
when we reached orchard station..they started running to their hotel okkk...we were quite shocked..ahahaha...but we also followed the running..we were quite depressed la...them leaving and all..they had to go to sentosa to have they went up to their rooms to get their lugguage and came back down to board their bus..wahhh...this is where i met geraldine,arjuna,sok hiang and with them for awhile and sat in shinya's staircase spot...(shinya is the cutest boy in the whole grp..i think..and he is in sok hiang's grp..that lucky girl!!)
my jap buddy ishida lost his jacket mannn!!!!he bought this jacket at marina sq..and he left it at lau pat sat...and velda and the rest..we were deciding whether to go back to lau pat sat to get it or not...i thought geraldine and the lot were going so i told yan ting not go go there...picspics...last pics...
whole group!
yay!!!all KON KON!!hahaha..
OMG...this is the climax....please dont miss this part mannnnn...AHAHAHA..
so..velda and grp left with me, geraldine, arjuna, sok hiang and weiting...i just had to send them off la...i said my 'last' goodbye to kiyomi...and told her that we will be going to the airport to see then the last jap person who walked through the door to board the bus was ishikawa MR KON! i opened the door for him and said bye bye....then ahhhhhh...
he took out the pooh fan he had been using and pass it to me!!!!!!
i was in a moment of shock...and then i went to re-check whether i really could have it..ahahahahhaa...HAPPY words to describe ok...geraldine and the rest were just laughing at me lo....oh man laaaa...
so then we all really stood there and waved goodbye at the buses..ahahahaha...
and then i had to rush off to church..was bloody late..but i was still walking around happilyyy..
ahahahaha...happiest girl of the moment......
the pooh fan is prized possession ok!!!
at the backk!!
all my jap puzzle from ishida..the frenship bracelet and the colourful one is the one the jap girls and us bought..
alright...while i was at church...
geraldine and the rest didnt go to lau pat sat to help my buddy find his i buddy will be damn upset...after church..i went to cineleisure before heading for the airport..coz i thought there was mini toons there and wanted to get something winnie the pooh for MR KON..ahahaha...but i got a pooh bear hp strap at another shop instead...headed to the airport..on the mrt my sis told me..airport got mini toons whattt..ahahaha..
thanx to my slow brain we had to waste time at cine...hahahahaha..
hmmm...we reached airport, met sok hiang, weiting and yanting...
she was the carryin the paper bag which has my buddy's jacket LOOOO.....we were all saying how we can imagine my buddy's reaction..we were going to take a video of his reaction..ahahahaha..geraldine met us, ayman and his friend too...and then our jap friends reached the airport...after sometime, we went over to give our gifts to the ppl..yupyup..
here is my buddy ishida's reaction when he got the jacket he lost...sorry its sideways..ahahahaha..
then we talked for awhile and then they had to check in..
10 mins before they entered the departure hall..
we were taking pics...talking and just missing each other already...
kiyomi cried laaaa..made me damnnn sadddd...i was like controlling myself not to cry....i miss kiyomi mannn...
my last pic with kiyomi!!!ahhh...crryyyyyy....
MR KON and i did our last KONKON together..took a picture with the winnie the pooh bear he bought...but i forgot to take a picture with him with the pooh fann...
so then..they had to leave...OMG..we were outside waving and waving..they on the inside also...
we think MR KON cried inside too mann...aiyooo...we all just had two days together..and im damn happy we were all like so close already...of coz there was the language barrier too..
im still missing them...haiyaaaaa....
wanna write to them soon...but i need to find either velda or clara to help me..ahahahaha..
plus all the projs..more busy than ever...i pray they wait for my letters..ahahahaha..
i've nevre wanted to go to japan this badddd..geraldine,arjuna,sok hiang,yanting and me...we are currently saving money to go there mayb next yr..ahahaha...hurry hurryyy!!!ahahahaha..
ok entry is so long..i wouldnt want to read it also..
Posted by chelsea at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 25, 2006
my sis watched this particular clip yday..i was too occupied with super junior video so i didnt watch it..
but i asked her to show it to me 2day..
and im like...
watch it for urself...
it is soooo damn cooolll!!!!!
press the stop button to stop my music from playing..
enjoy the music..ahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 23, 2006
i've just been talking to a friend...hmmm..
i realised actually im a very irritating person...
why do i gossip behind people's back??
i finally find it very very very meannn...
everytime i tell my mum im going out for a gossip session,
she will be like.."so sinful.." and i will say.."no's very fun..."
that is sick mannn...
i am so irritating..yuck...
i think im a hypocrite..nice in front of the person and then gossip behind their back..
damn it...i think i would wanna get rid of this stupid habit..
yea..stupid mouth...i need to change...
i did something very mean some days back too..
im feeling sorry but i cant tell alot of people..
tsk..hate these guilty feelings...
Posted by chelsea at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
its a supposed to go kboxing...
but i guess..yday's japan's loss in soccer changed my mood...
alot of ppl werent going too..sigh...
mayb i will go kboxing next yr huh...
and ahhh....
i think i've been watching too much jap dramas coz i think im starting to have almost the same type of reaction to things...
all the exclamations...
OMGGGG..i think i needa stop..ahahahahha..
finished nobuta today..
ending was a lil not like an ending at all...
whatever happened to the love story in the showww???
no ending???!!!!
yoiko no mikata was like that...
dragon zakura also like that....
now nobuta also like that...
why are all the jap stories like that???
its like they show some lovey dovey stuff in the middle and then the end you wanna know what happen...nothing...!!!!
so..thats it then...
ohoh...i just had to buy nobuta....
ehhh...alright la...
tml jap club..
tml exchangin videos and clips with geraldine...
feeling excited already!!!!
yamapi and kame...
a new part of my life???
too many dead...
Posted by chelsea at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 09, 2006
today marks the 1st day of holidays!!!
but i still have to go to sch tml..AHAHAHA..
for jap club..
azhar'a test was horrible...
the 1st time i sit for an exam and a whole 9 marks qn..completely dont know what to write and ans..
ahahahahaha... was jap test...
WHEW...was alright..jap oral test though...
i think i said something wrong..but i cant remember...
ehhh..but im happy with my written test grades though!!
39/40... it....1st time in my whole entire life i think.....
WAHHHH....kill me....all the stress was driving us nutty nutts...
was quite late in submitting our end product...
but still quite well done i think..ahahahaha..
time for a sharing session!!!
OMG...remember the hottt yamapi performance i mentioned in my previous entry... goin to share it..ahahaha..
cant stand it..have to watch it everyday..i will leave the website there the whole time im using the comp so i can go there and watch..ahahahah..
here it is....
please watch it..ahahaha...please......!!
ahahahaha... jap club..
i think we're going to dance and learn many more traditional dances..ahahahahah..
ehhh..and ahhhh!!!!!
geraldine's goin to bring some clips or whatever to share with me..ahahaha..
and i need to show her w-inds. the sharing..sharing is good!!!
and yay!!!
i got the nobuta vcd already...
ahahahaha..thanx alot jillian and jillian's sister!!!!
ok la...
im done with the talking..ahahaha..
take care...BYEEEE!!!! watching da chang jin and she just became the top lady....
so cool mannn!!!
and my mummy also needs to be thanked...
she subscribed the world cup channel!!
now i can watch the england, jap and korean matches!!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
i finally know why johnny's entertainment is sooooo successful....
was watching clips of yamapi's performances...
OMG...damn nice....
about JE's success...
yes...they are so smart by making big big grps la...
imagine this...9 people on the stage dancing..
8 of them dancers, backup singers and one lead singer....
WAHHH...imagine la...all of them dancing...
let me repeat...VISUAL EFFECTS!!!
ok..back to watching yamapi clips..ahahahahah...
take care..lovelove...
Posted by chelsea at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 05, 2006
he might just be the latest craze for me...
ahahahaha...YAMAPI, his cute!!!
watched dragon sakura, jap drama velda lend me again...
i owe her mann...
yamapi is just cool!!!!
oh man..went for my cousin's wedding dinner and OMG,
there was a little of yamapi presence..ahahaha..
somebody sure looks like yamapi, putting his hands in his pockets when he walk and hairstyle, not as long though..WHEW..was quite nice..
i dont feel like returning the vcd too..
wanna watch again!
but i dont know where to watch..ahaha..and i have tests and whatever coming sick...
ok la..
i dont think this yamapi thing will go on for long...
i HOPE...ahahaha...
ok, off to sleep.
Posted by chelsea at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 22, 2006
hello everybody!!
i need a break!!!
break from school..
just wanna stay home everyday and watch tv..
because of sch, i've been missing out on alot of tv...alright..maybe its me going out and not sch..
but i feel damn tired!!!!!
wahhhh...haven been to kbox for like what....
EHHHHH...4 wks..i think..ahahahhaha..
need one kbox therapy session soon!!!!
and i can sense it coming...ahahahahha...
waiting for mummy to get her pay...
but i think it might clash with our icas deadline..which will make it impossible to go for kbox therapy..hahahahaha..
maybe going after icas would be best!!!
all the jay chou songs..wahhhhh...sing it all out mannn...
was surfing about my w-inds...and arrived on the random facts of keita! through like so many interesting facts...
let me share some..ahahahaha..
-keita has a plasma tv in his washroom..
-he chased his dad and brother out of the house when he was younger because they were smoking..(ahahahaha..)
-he wants to get a tattoo of his wife's name next time on his stomach..(CRAZY MANN!!)
-he likes being tall!!!
-keita was a model before he started his singing career..(how cute!!child model!!)
-he loves beckham(he got the idea of the tattoo from him..bad influence!)
-he hates studying!(YAY!!HI-5!)
-he gives his sister money everyday to buy what she wants..she gets to keep whatever change too!!(i wanna be ur sister too!!)
-he doesnt like driving...
-he is completely INCAPABLE of being mean to everyone!!(thats what i love about you!!)
-when he is tired, he plays the piano..(WAHH..)
-he changes his mobile every 3 months..(WAH..RICH!hahaha..)
-he flushed his hw dwn the toilet when he was younger because he wanted to go out and play..
-he wants to look like elijah wood???!!!!(WAHHH!!!!)
-he eats 7 meals a day..
-and is obsessed with muscles..(which i dont like...ahahahaha!!)
okk la...i have nothing else to post about..
im off for project work!!ahahahaha..
Posted by chelsea at 8:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 12, 2006
so...i've finished watching "it started with a kiss" (jap version)
wahhhh....nice!!! wonder i loved it...
the quality was not very good though...coz it was like so many yrs ago...have to thank velda for lending it to me....
oh..she also lend me another jap drama series...WAAAHHH...
its about this boy who wants to be a kindergarden teacher but many parents n the other teachers were against it...ahahahahaha...nice mannn...
i think im going to add kindergarden teacher into my list of ambition...
today's public holiday!!nothing to do at home mannn..
haiyo..yday night was fun though...
wahhh..this is going to be so long...
so..after jap class, me,ming yi, benson and clara...we went to the free access lab to use the comps..and then we went to our class forum and played around...that was fun!!!
i love my class forum..ahahaha..although there are only 7 ppl at the moment..ahahaha..
ehhh..then we went to have macs for dinner and..after clara left, me, ming yi and benson..we went over to another free access lab to play games and do the forum..ahahaha..
after that..we went over to yck mrt station to meet abner...
then took a cab to liquid kitchen at thompson..
suppose to be meeting denise,michelle and mirza...
they were all drinking la..i got a lychee frappe..ahahaha...
so..then we played silly games...card games and pass the wedges and fries game...
damn funny...after that we were all just lethargic...
wanted to go over to another place to play pool but that place was just so...hmm..cant explain it...
so we walked over to this prata place...mann..its like almost midnight but its just lunch time over at the place...
and then it was time to go home..for me...coz if i dont go home b4 midnight..there will be a midnight surcharge for cab we left the prata place and went to the main road...
wanted to take a cab already..but denise say 163 can go home..and the bus was already i had to run..ahahaha..caught the bus and reached home very fast..ahahaha..
wahhh...typing all that down..made me sleepy..i think im going to go sleep now..
ahh..i have jap club tml...sigh...can i not go???? irritating...
ok la..byee!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
so...i was watching the oprah winfrey show today and.....
just like every other episode.....
the 1st qn that i wanted an ans to was...
"where does oprah get all that money????"
porsche cars, houses, scholarship money...etc and etc...all given to ppl as gifts...
i've made up my mind....
next time...go and attend the oprah show..OR...
be part of the oprah winfrey show crew/staff...
ahahahaha.. was alright in school...
presentation today....have one more tml...
and ah...tml....ahhh..scary...
we have our film editing to do...hahaha..
i hope azhar wont be just standing and watching us...coz if he sure we will all get so stressed out...we will sprout white hair on the spot!!haha..
so...tryin to calm myself down and go through the stuff we need to do...
ehh...i also would need to finish up my jap hw...hahaha..
haven been concentrating on it ahh...diedie..
alright then...this is like boring...
hmm..doing my project along with ming yi too..hahaha..
so..i shall be gone..
Posted by chelsea at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
how do you do...?hahahaha..
i am so disgusted by my im posting an entry about him...
i was going to take a shower, and i was just stepping into the bathroom..
i saw........
two almost used up tubes of toothpaste on the floor...along with a tube of facial washing foam..
and my nice little small towel...
it was so disgusting mann..i am so disgusted.....on the wet bathroom floooorrrr!!!!!
so..i got my bro....and screamed at him...AHAHAHAHAHA...
i was in such a bad mood i screamed at my sister too!!!
hmmm...then i got cheered up after watching taylor perform on american idol..and kinda feel bad for screaming at them..hahahaha...
why izit always like that..??i should try to be nicer...
hmmm..i received an irritating email from my fren....
and its like BLOOOOODDDYYY SCARYYYYY!!!!i hate it.....
i swear i got goosebumps and my heart skipped a beat...DAMN IT....
it was this pic....and they said something about the man in the pic dying 2 days after taking it...and when they developed the pic..they saw this woman standing next to him....i was like harm done to take a small look....IDIOT...the woman was just staring at me...and i cant get rid of that image in my head...
DAMNN...these ppl haven got anything to do...besides photoshopping?????STUPIDDD!!!
so..enough about that...hahahahha..
i bought my jap textbook today...very happy with it...ahahahahah..
i think my heart is bleeding now....
hahahahahahhaha...i STUPIDLY, DUMBLY, IDIOTICALLY bought the textbook for media lecturer said to buy the book or else we dont attend her class..
and the other said....i'll leave it up to yall whether you wanna buy it....well..since it was the other lecturer's module...our whole class...the very obedient and good class..went to buy the textbook!!!!COOOOLLL!!!not the end of story....
today...we got very good news....that...we are NOT OBLIGED to buy the textbook....YAY!
BOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOOHOO!!! heart is bleedingggg....
$ you know what i could have done with the money????
come know what i likeee....ahahahahaah...
so clever!!!!i could have gone for TWO kbox sessions.....
i cant tell you how impt kbox is to me...hahahahahaha.. i cant go kbox for 2 months...
i've made up my goin to treat this book like a baby and sell it!!!!!!
then mayb go for kbox for 1 month!!!
alright....let me talk about taylor....
great mannn...watched the top5 today...and taylor was great!!!!
i would say he was the best today!!!hahahahaha..i love you taylor!!!
i hope he stays!!!!!elliot and katherine too!!!!!
update on sch story script is over!!!!left with one more tutorial...and filming on friday....damn would be so frightening!!!!!!hahahaha...
bring it on mannn...i cant wait for this sem to be OVVVVERRRRR!!!!
alright la...i think i've blabbered enough...
byeeee!!!hahahaha.. life gets better...
my mum just came and ask me to coach my sis in her maths...
AHAHAHAHAHA...why cant my sis ask for help instead???!!!!
byee again!!!
Posted by chelsea at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
i have no idea what im doing here...
i just watched da chang jin on tv...and the top lady(han shang gong) DIED!!!!! can she die??its like you haven seen enough of her in the show..
but..i liked the way she's like silently and the words she said...nice...
hahahahaha..but im so saddd!!!damn it...haha..
azhar's presentaion is load of the shoulders..hahaha..
now for tutorials and the much stressful news script...WAHHH..just wanna die from doing the script..and if i wanna die from doing this script..imagine what i wanna do when i have to film n so tired and lazy...i dont wanna do anything!!!i hate school mannn..URGH!!!!
ahhh..i haven been learning and practising my jap...forgot quite a number of words..
hahahaha...die la..ohoh...i dwnlded a program so i can write chinese and jap happy..hahahaha..
i love it...
alright so sleepy now...i needa go..
Posted by chelsea at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
here comes the 'so little time, so much to do' song again!!!
presentation, scripts, tutorials...AHHH!!!!
at least the presentation is almost done...the rest...
DEAD....i need to copy off some ppl..hahahaha..
wow..this is like the 1st time im posting a picture...
well..i like this im posting it..
nicenice huh???
i love them!!!
anywayz..jap club was FUN!!
we played silly games at the beginning..then we had to choreograph a dance...
cool actually....met alot of new frens..and very nice frens too!!
there was this part when we had to select which days we wanna go down....and everybody else wrote down saturday...i was like "....!!!!!"
hahaha..i wrote down wed..but i will still go on sat i think..hahahaha... w-inds. news single is coming out soon...and the song is
LOVERLY!!! not the right topic....and just watching this HILARIOUS video clip about keita...something about going on a arranged date with some woman..and he's like PRINCE CHARMING!!!hahahaha..wearing a black suit and riding a white loving it!!!he made some drink for her and they got to fly in a chopper!!!damn it....hahahaha..the view was sooo nice!!!so cute and hott la keita...yumyum!!!ahahaha...PRINCE CHARMING!!!
alright off!!!!
Posted by chelsea at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 27, 2006
my 2nd jap lesson!!hahahaha..coolcool...'s what we learnt today...
we learnt numbers 1- 100 in jap..did role call till hundred....
but had to start over like alot of times coz some of us said wrongly..hahaha..
so stressful..concentrating on which numbers to say..hahahaha...
hmmm..then we learnt some basic classrooms expressions like...
okurete sumimasen
(im sorry im late.)
(please repeat.)
was funfunfun!!ohoh!!!i learnt a new sentence too!!!hahahaha...
korewa watashi no kaban desu!
(this is my bag!)
jap club!!!ah yes...DAMN IT!!!
the music and dance group is on irritating....
i think i will go for a few sessions and then not turn up for the rest of the yr...hahahaha..
ok..enough on jap then...
tomorrow will be the end of the 2nd week of school...everything is kind of taking its its a good thing..
tml....i have to hand in an insight paper on a mediacorp studio trip...SIGH...
so difficult to do..2 page SINGLE SPACE...wahhh...hahaha..
have to get on with it..
yes!!!!i haven talked about them since they have been out....FOR SO LONG!!
in my opinion....
ELLIOT,KATHERINE and TAYLOR should be the top three...
i love all three of them...but....i would have to say TAYLOR is my FAVOURITE!!!hahahaha..
he is the best!! going off already...
Posted by chelsea at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
well..this is like a once in a lifetime post...hahahaha..
im so missing this little blog here...
school has started for me....
not really lovin it....but not really hating it either...
a couple of new lecturers here and there..our batch is definitely stuck with azhar..hahaha..
but it's not a bad thing la...seah is not bad too....pity he wont be teaching us after next week..
hmmm...1st week of school, we already had our assignments/icas..hmmm...and have a couple due this week...i should start counting the weeks to sem break!!hahahaha...
AHHH...talking about sem break....i have 5 examinable modules this semester!!!!
WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO????wow....5...thats like sitting for O'Levels all over again!hahahaha..
and erm..i have this one module which i practise every night and it's not even homework!!!
love it!!!!!hahahahaha..our lecturer came into class and blabbered a whole chunk of jap words..and ended of with a single' KONNICHIWA'..which the whole class replied 'KONNICHIWA' too!!!hahahaha..look how nice this class is...bonded by a single 'KONNICHIWA'! lecturer is female...she is adorable!! taught us to do our introduction in japanese...
Watashi wa Chelsea desu,
dozoo yoroshiku!
hmmm..then she taught us japanese writing..hiragana..which im practising at home everyday!!
im so diligent!!i hope i can really understand jap after having lessons..then i can understand my w-inds.!!!!hahahaha..
alrighty...other than my most likable jap lessons..
i FINALLY went for the long awaited KBOX singing session!!!!!last friday!!!after the mediacorp trip..hahahahaha..
im still singing about it!!hahahaha..WEEHEE!!!
im looking forward to my next visit already!!!hahahaha..
ok then...
i think im going off to do my assignments and everything already!!hahaha..
take care!!!
Posted by chelsea at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 14, 2006
new pretty..
pretty and nice!!
sch is starting so getting more n more upset..
AHHH....sigh..anywayz..went for mass today...
there's the cute lil altar small and cute..
hahaha...wonder will i see him on easter sunday mass.. so bored right now...
i want to go mapling..but..hahaha..not in the right mood... off!!!
Posted by chelsea at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
you know something...
if we all try to feel happy about unhappy stuff...then maybe the unhappy things are not really unhappy problems...ahaha.. presenting the 3 great lessons i've just learnt today...
im just starting to learn the meaning of...
"whatever thing happens, they happen for a reason.."
yup...this funny sentence and all its funny logics..haha..hmm..funnily enough..with all the background stuff happening, + ppl not planning on kboxing,and the suggestion of a change of kbox day seems to spell out that i have to stay home on wednesday..or does it??
hmm...well..i think i'll stay home then...if i have to...
im also learning to do whatever im told to do because i think thats best for me...because this way..i wont risk any chance of me doing wrong stuff and end up causing more trouble...yupyup..
lastly...the art of keeping silent....
this means the art of controlling, suppressing and enduring.....whatever i have to do...i do...whatever im told to do, i will do...if it makes anyone more happy, i will do it...i will always believe in this logic...yes....
so...its been quite a week, or rather weekend...hahaha...
hmm..i found out that keita has been hospitalised, and im dead upset....he had better take care of himself when he is discharged from the more gyming for him and of coz a proper diet...that silly little brat..hahaha..
and....i've got lots of praying to do....
so i better get on with it later...
good day to you all!!
Posted by chelsea at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 27, 2006
the chalet was great..
really had fun with those who stayed over...loads of ppl didnt though...
recouped my energy...BUT..i sill feel sleepy n tired.. just so lazy to write more stuff...
i think all i need now is kbox...!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 16, 2006
im here to update!!!YAY!! my new template???i love it...its so pretty..i think its the best one i've seen so far...
ok...this is sis just showed me a website n i saw this....
take a look...
yesyes...wondering why i put a pic of orlando bloom on my blog....
welll..excuse me..if im the only one who is stupid...but he is apparently one of the candidates in the current season of The Apprentice. and NOT our dear orlando bloom...i still dotn believe thats not orlando bloom la....cannot be....CANNOT BE....AHAHAHAHAHA...
okk..HELLO AGAIN!! i went to check up my results...BRILLIANT...i passed everything!!
YES!!!one thing striked off the WORRY LIST..
next is jap class..?
ok..anywayz...let me talk about my past few days...i kinda got into a little bit of accident...a little car accident..which resulted in a couple of bruises and pain here n there..and i just wanna thank the little effort of the seatbelts in the car which protected me n my cousin from harm..and of coz i had to thank some VERY VERY important ppl whom we all should thank for keeping us so safe everyday...
so...after that very fateful and lucky was one day of rest and then up to planning for my class bbq the next day...yday was my class gathering/bbq...was good...although some ppl didnt turn up and gave stupid excuses...well...we still had fun..kinda...we just separated into our little cliques...and did the talking...gossiping n updating of coz...i just had to move around...hahahaha..
so....i guess the next gathering wont be soon...coz everybody will be busy doing their own stuff...
woke up coz of my mum's morning call...she asked whether we wanted to go have lunch with my sis n i..we went to suntec to meet her....wahhh...lots of bad luck..i can say?
i forgot to bring my ez-link my sis to go up and take for me...but the house key was with decided to buy a ticket instead..and thats where the bad luck ends for then got to marina sq...walked past this jap restaurant...WAHHH..
HOKKAIDO ICE CREAM mannn..tasted some flavours and my sis n i..we decided to get lunch we met up with mummy and went there to have lunch...and the first time i ever ate ramen...AHAHAHA..after watching those jap channels with lots of jap food...i couldnt help getting ramen...(OH!!i finally got scv...kinda like a trial thing...but i dont have jap channels anymore..coz those are only preview...BOOHOO!!)so...yupyup....and then after food..we had ice cream...sinful..yes..i know!!so we sent mummy off back to work..and we decided to go home...
then on the way back....along city sis n i went into mph...and looked at some books...however..those books weren't really enough for my sis to browse through so she decided to forget it...ahahaha...and then we walked into HMV...of coz..i walked over to the part selling cds cheap to see whether there are any of my w-inds. cds there..and there was...and then i walked over to the area of jap n korean albums...ahahahah...i looked under W,w-inds...yupyup...there they were...just tempting me to buy them....sigh..i was so surprised to see the latest single out..It's In The efficient...usually...u see the cds 1 mth after they are released in i carried on browsing and then i saw the one i was looking for...since last w-inds. AGEHA LIVE TOUR 2005..wahhh...bought it immediately...ahahaha..welll..after i asked whether there was a dvd...and they said the dvd is only available in japan..DAMN IT! so..yes....bought it...and had a chat with the cashier about the disagreements on copyrights n censorship between singapore and japan n korea...yupyup....then we left...OHOH...there were jap ppl in the train when we were going home..i was happy!! going to end off here...i spend so much time writing a long entry....ahahahaha...yupyup...
tml i have to wake up at 7++ n im still to wake up... going cycling u see..
AHAHAHAHA...alrighty then...
i love my w-inds.!!!!!
Posted by chelsea at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
yupyup...change of layout...
dont really like it...
but i didnt save my previous layout so i have to use this..
alrighty then..
this is just it..
Posted by chelsea at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 03, 2006
the sun is good today.
im good today!!
AHHH..let me update you on my past few days..
well..its been good...
i have the whole house to myself..
imagine this......
you wake up at 9am everyday and you wonder to yourself what you are going to do today?you go to the toilet, brush your teeth and wash up in the most carefree way possible.
then you go back to your room and cover up your bed. come out to the living room and just SIT there..
you switch on the telly but there's nothing have no choice but to watch either the PGA, KIDS CENTRAL or CNA. keep switching between those channels until you finally realise you cant take it anymore and went to flip your vcd collection..
you find the ridiculous 24 series HUAN ZHU GE GE part 1.
*smiles*WHY NOT? you ask urself..and started watching the vcd like nobody's business..
at some point of time you switch off the telly to let the poor machine rest and then you just SIT there again..
doing nothing..
for 1/2 an sit there...
doing nothing and thinking about ALOT of stuff, which makes all the peace and quiet run away...BOOHOO..
thoughts like..
i have no job now, i am broke!!
what about my results?
what if i dont end up in jap class next yr?
what am i really going to do in future?
how am i going to earn money to buy a merc or go to japan or london?
am i saving up enough?
etc etc etc etc..
with thoughts like can you even sit straight?
i took my last thought seriously and went to lift my saving box..
SIGH...not much...
ok..soo...continue imagining...
after sitting there with those rubbish-y thoughts..
you continue the watching of the telly, if there was something good on tv then you watch it..if not you carried on with the huan zhu ge ge..and continued laughing at those cheesy parts...
then the evening comes..and you have to vacuum the watch more tv after that and then eat your watch more telly at night and then at 10pm when there is nothing to watch, you go into your bedroom..
you cant sleep..serously not your bed time. you start wondering whether all the late nights during school time made your sleeping time so late and gets annoyed because you cant get to sleep..
so then you think mayb you can read a look at your harry potters and others..but you dont feel like reading them at all...
then you ask your sister.."eh, do u have a book for me to read?"
she opens her little book shelf and shows you the collection of her books and you pick one out of is called..INKHEART.
you start reading but then start wondering why the author is so long-winded and descriptive...after 5 chapters,you still haven got to the main part of the story..but still, you couldnt get to you carried on reading...until you felt sleepy..
and then you went to bed..and thats the average whole account of the past few days...
im still reading that book and's already at the main part...quite interesting not bad...but still draggy and all..yupyup... good..and slacking my life away...
take care ppl..
Posted by chelsea at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 26, 2006
here's one for you.
how can one be really happy??
it sounds like something everybody would ask...but..what izit really?
let me give you my definition...
i would b happy if suddenly my life just revolves around The Shire.
and i wont have to deal with quarrels or decision making and even thinking.
but here's the confusing bit and the truth..
you cannot be truly happy.
isnt that just the perfect answer?
some things just comes along, giving everyone a harder life..
in LOTR case, its SAURON.
in Harry Potter's case, its VOLDEMORT.
i've come to realise that we can never run away from the DEVIL....wherever we are..
there's also something called the devil within and im sure all of us have it..but some people just seem have the stronger devil inside of them, and instead of listening to the angels, they just choose to listen to the DEVIL. THAT'S NICE.
we have at least a strong devil in every household..MY HOUSE is an example.
works of the inner devil i can say.
have anyone realised its almost all the doings of MEN? as in MALES.
can the ego of men cease so that all those stupid things stop?
its all got to do with their EGO.
seriously, they think they own the world and all but NO...
its all a wrong mentality!
i think i'll take it that i've done too many sinful things and that god just wants to punish me now.
yes, i shall accept that fact and accept my life as it is..
i think all i've said is now rubbish because i wanna continue believing that there is still some hope to happy about..
im going to not think about unhappy stuff and try to avoid them..
im going to try to pray hard so that god helps me...
yes..i will do just that..
and i can really be happy then..
Posted by chelsea at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 24, 2006
today's a special day!
do you know why this is a special day?
oh man..was just wanting to get those red stripes...but then went with mummy to the salon today and i actually got some..
AHAHAHA... them...
WOW..this is like the first time i coloured my pretty new...
i couldnt go for clorine's bdae party today..
im so sorry...had to pick thy lil bro home and look after mum's at the PTM with sister..
so im bored...
TOMORROW'S my last day at work!!!!!!!!!
YAY!cool man...LOVIN IT...
BUT...i have to go look for another job now...SIGH...somebody...PLEASE HIRE ME!
ok..i think im done...
going into another weekend where i will miss the empty house..
cya lot already missing FACELIFT..
i love my hair today!!
Posted by chelsea at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 20, 2006
im not supposed to be here right now...but i'll take the risk..
after im done with i dont give a damn already...
im back with a few question marks in my head..
they were formed over the week till now..
QN 1.
why izit that you feel sleepy ONLY in church and then after church you feel all energetic and awake???!!!
(this is just weird..)
QN 2.
what makes a murderer enjoy what he/she is doing???!!!
because murder cases seem to be on the rise recently....
and lastly...
QN 3.
if you think about it carefully...the heart is merely an organ which pumps blood, where does all our emotions and feelings come from???!!!!
maybe we should stop saying all our emotions come from the heart, but's easier to say heartbroken..
i'll leave you guys to PONDER over all these...
( if finance isnt enough to PONDER over..)
until then...
i'll be sleeping with my books...
to ensure my absorption of knowledge!!
Posted by chelsea at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 17, 2006
hello again!!
im going to update about the day i had today...
i woke up at like 12 to watch debbie travis and later jamie's school dinners..
i studied in between the commercial breaks..
and it did me quite some help eh...(YEA RIGHT!)
so...after watching tv...i decided to have my lunch..cooked mee goreng and heated up some chicken patty thing..i think the chicken patty is spoilt coz its giving me a tummy ache now..
and eh...there were no shows to watch while i was eating so i watched my w-inds POL concert vcd AGAIN!
and then i went on to study a little.....until i got tempted by the lovely computer screen...
then i sat down in front of it and said...
"ALRIGHT, just half an hour to change my blog template!!"
hmmm..well..did i really stick to that time limit?
let me ask you...
there you have the answer...SO CLEVER!
and im still here after that half an hour limit...
AHAHAHAHA...was w-indsurfing and i still am.. think im going to start studying really really hard tomorrow and sunday a little...I HAVE BLOODY WORK ON SUNDAY!!!DAMN IT!
hope i pass my exams mann...
anywayz..this song on my blog...
time machine by my lovely w-inds..
is really lovely...damn cool mann...
esp the chorus parts..its like brilliant...
and also...
w-inds have a new PV...its called..
it's in the stars...
and its just...WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! the point?
if you are interested to watch the video, you are free to ask me for it...
just another WOW! for my lovely w-inds.. off!
Posted by chelsea at 8:45 PM 0 comments