Thursday, January 18, 2007


i have been quite a good student, i dont think i have ever been so mean and irritating that i deserve anything mean and irritating back from anybody..(if i have, i am sorry and i deserve it..)
Today, i made a mistake..i did make some people angry...and i'm really sorry.

i thought everything was over and so..
when i waved, i expected to receive a wave or a "hi" back...but i got a "Is that one of the person who....."yes yes......"" reply...followed by them walking away..

i was shocked..and then i felt quite disgusted...

that sentence was not very nice...???i did not kill anybody, i dont think i deserved that reply...what? are we not fit to get proper responses because we forgot to clear our mess????!!!

i dont seems such a small matter but still a huge shock...

i hate this feeling......i feel like i have killed somebody and being ostracised because of it...

maybe we have our own personalities and you decided to be more straight forward?

if being in the media means i have to be straight forward and hurt people, then i think the media industry is WRONG.

and i thought nobody in the world is perfect...???

i am so not happy...

so...i have to get back to my school work and an apology letter...

and then i will go and get my long awaited sleep!



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