Sunday, March 29, 2009

yoohoo! new update! i haven't been blogging for how long???? you count yourself, haha! ok update update!

1. happy gold coast week!
was in brisbane last week, took the well longed for break from work and had a good rest in aussie......alright, not really....the weather was pretty idiotic over there.on the first day we were there, it was really sunny and hot, so we went out exploring and got pretty far from the hotel.we were waiting for buses and a storm decided to come and freeze everyone.we had shorts and slippers on and we got really really drenched.....luckily, we had the most wonderfullest dinner at a place called 'fasta pasta'!!!!!i had ravioli stuffed with meat and it was HEAVENLY!!!! the sis had creamy pasta and it was HEAVENLY too, and so was the brother's fried chicken with fries and the parent's pizza!!!!! 'fasta pasta' is the ultimate and i wish they would open up an authentic place in singapore! YUMMMM, stomach is growling......

ok then the usual things you do in gold coast, theme parks! movie world, sea world, paradise country. paradise country is a farm but it was darn good, i milked a cow!!!! YAY! touched a lamb, cow, alcapaz, koala and took a million and one photos! good thing was, the photographer was really cute! niceeeee..heeeeeeeeeeeee:) movie world and sea world, no other words for them, paradise for kids and maybe one...or two 21year old....inmature kids...hahaha!

on the last day i met up with jo and jace in the city! it was a one and half hr train ride man, it was torturous! hahaha! but i got to meet up with the sweeties and i really really loved it! jo took us around, we managed to get on the ferry 'citycat' was freeezing cold and i loved it toooo! and then we met up with jace and went to get dinner at a chinese/viet restuarant! the food was really goodddd!yum! im really hungry, its 7pm, time for dinner!

ok long trip cut short, very fun, tiring and i got sick because of the bloody weather, get well soon me! hahahaha!

2. happy earth hour day!
im sad and really embarrassed to say that my family and i DID NOT fulfill the FULL 60 MINUTES of Earth Hour 09. and it's all thanks to some idiotic asshole who came home from work and despite my 5 HUGE warning NOT to turn on the lights, he did it, yep, and as i wasnt at home at that time, i wasnt able to stop him.......FORTUNATELY, i came home 15 mins after he did and managed to turn off all the lights, but i still hate the fact that i did not complete the full 60 minutes. i managed 45 mins though(BOOOOOOOO.....!!!!!) bloody bollocks! next year i will be home at 8.30pm to stop whoever and whatever is trying to turn on the lights.......SO STUPID I CANT STAND IT! URGH!

3. happy ktv day with sok hiang and flora!
ANOTHER new ktv place! some ulu 'night' club at peace center! dynasty....something...cant rem the name, was too busy looking around at the sleazy place, it was kinda cool, except all the huge posters of hostess staring at you when you get out from the lift! hahaha and quite cheap too, 3 hrs, 10 bucks per person....personally, i still prefer topone! WOOHOO! TOPONE BANZAI! anywhos, it was a night club turned ktv place during the day, good business, i should do some research and approach some night clubs. earn those big bucks from losers like me!! ok, i was kinda unwell so couldnt really have all the fun shouting and screaming...sigh, get well soon me again!!!!

4. goodbye samsung and hello samsung again day..........(*holds a bucket sobbing away...*)
at ktv yday, i lost my precious little darling flip was a stupid mistake, why did i bring my phone to the loo?????????? the loo turned out to be all squats so i couldnt leave my phone in my pocket, what if it dropped out and into my pee, you know? so, smart alec ME, hung it behind the door and pea brained ME, forgot to bring it out...........i sat in the ktv room, singing and had so much fun i forgot that in that dirty squatting cubicle, my precious one got snatched away....boohoooooo!!!! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( it was only after we left the ktv that i realised my phone was gone! (i deserve a smack here, SMACK ME.) so i went back to that dirty squating cubicle and all that was left was my pooh bear sad i was......SIGH, it was all MY FAULTTTTTTTTTTTT.......

and then i went and got myself a new phone today........well, i had to...........and i got another samsung........a pink one, gonna miss my precious one, hope the crazy idiot who is so desperate for a phone isnt mistreating her........... bloody hell, i wish i could curse the lady, but i wouldnt....i wil control myself, but if i could i would wish that she.................................................. cant type it out you know, it really becomes a curse when i say it too many times, and then i get the karma back! hahahahahahahahaha! goodbye my samsung!

loves! bye!

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