Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chelsea sat down to rush out her entry so that she could go to sleep early.

Saturday was alright. Nice smile cute church boy was not around to make Chelsea's heart beat a little faster. Chelsea ran 30 rounds of two basketballcourts and she felt really good with herself. "Bring on the 2.4", she thought confidently. PFT was getting nearer, she would have to lose some weight now.

Japanese Lesson on Sunday was not that bad either. Chelsea had a good time learning many new sentences and felt drained, as usual, by the end of the lesson. It was difficult to learn so many sentences and not have the determination to go and practice the sentences during the week.

Chelsea sat back in her chair and thought about the next day. The next day would be Monday. She dreaded Mondays. No doubt it was the beginning of a new week, but it was just too torturous to know that there were still 4 more days to the big,bright and happy weekends. Chelsea hoped that everything would be fine on Monday.

Oh, and Chelsea was really happy to hear that Chelsea Football Club won the FA cup. They won Manchester United. Wow. Now, the players would be in Singapore with huge big smiles on their faces and that would be very nice to see! She still hopes she could go meet them!

Chelsea looks forward to the coming Saturday and hopes to see Nice smile cute church boy. "Many nice things happen during the weekends." was her last thought as she signed off.



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