Monday, February 04, 2008

hello babies, its been a long time since i wrote! year shopping..went alrightey well.
and guess what?
im such a sucker for shoes!i bought new shoes!!haha!
my sis was getting her converse yesterday yeah, and i saw another same pair of converse just a different colour and i just couldnt resist it. hello grey converse! thank god i didnt get a nike pair the other day. haha..

and jay chou!
as usual, i had my jap lesson at bugis today. and yesterday, ming yi told me jay chou was coming to bugis today. haha! so happy! i wouldnt have been there if she didnt told me. a few pics and had fun in the drizzle.tip-toeing all the way because all the tall people loveeeeeee to stand all the way in front. jay chou is sooooooooo cute!

and if that werent enough, i got myself the jay chou concert dvd. haha..and came straight to my comp to watch it once i was home. was alrightttt..not as excellent as his previous one though. thats a bit sad. concentrating too much on your movies now huh, jay. well, as long as he remains in the entertainment where he belongs.haha! cant wait to watch his kungfu dunk, looks soooo good!reckon im going to sleep well tonight since i've had a nice half a day with jay chou!ahaha! im obsessed and i love it.

school! tomorrow! hopefully i can finish up what i have to finish up in school. but i cant wait for chinese new year!! weds, thurs, fri, sat, sun! omg!! im going to have so much fun sleeping!haha!

ok then!this post shall end here!!

Loves! and Bye!


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