Saturday, March 01, 2008

oh my freaking hell. GRADUATION VIDEO.

i survived 13 years of school so i can definitely survive this last week of school.
damn im such a loser to get bothered by my own graduation video.

this is what i will do:
be a BIG loser.

HAHA! here's where my thinking gets unethical. do whatever shit i'm asked to do and get it over and done with. don't give a shit, if i can.

i've already planned out my after-school schedule! im awesome.
i can't wait till school's over. but of course, you can never get too happy when you wont get to meet up with close friends that much. Life is indeed full of joy and evil.

OMG, i had my ADK faculty test today!
ahaha..i had to draw!? all sausage figures around. i can only draw sausages!ahaha!i think i will fail, but let's just keep our fingers crossed!

its 11:30 and i want to sleep now. yeehoo!



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