Wednesday, March 16, 2005


im up early doing e thing i haven been doing in a while..ahahaha... back....
well...let me see..i went for e on-job-assignment at ben n jerrys...n i should b starting work on friday..ahahaha...pam n i went for injection on monday...n..hmmm...we were freaked out..??
ahahaha...kinda...we thought e injection would b at juz say..under e elbow..??n we were panicking in e clinic..n wait....e clinic was soooo 'ulu' it looked lyk those where ppl go for then..we were called in..n then e doc said e injection would b on e arm...happy!!!!!yepz..pam took e jab 1st..then me...ahahaha...damn fast n..creepy...yepz...n e came after e jab...when we went home..haha..damn..i was sooo tired..n my whole arm felt numb...pam went to sleep...but i went online..ahahaha...ridiculous eh...

ritez...then ydae..i went for my interview at TP for my CMM course...
well..i cannot say it went all well..or not well..ahahaha..
all i said was...
"in get to business sch..u have to climb a slope..."
and e interviewer went...
then i said...
"nonononono...TP enviroment is better..u walk in..e 4 schs facing you..."
and she gave me tat you-r-sooo-lazy look..
but..wateva...its true..its a decision btw climbing a slope everyday..n juz walkin into e sch....
i would choose e easier way of coz... or bad...i dun noe...
i juz hope i get in to either CMM or media n communications..ahahaha... many to report..ahahaha...
if interested in harry potter news...
i'll give you e webby...
truly an amazing site...

n yes...also..there might b a new jay chou fan club starting up soon...n i might b in it!!!ahahahha..mayb we might get it to b official...and we might not take in as many idea...

wanna get a panasonic phone sooo bad....
but my mum dun allow..coz e place to repair e phone would b some 'ulu'
another choice would b nokia 7620....
reckon its ok to have e nokia...
but no panasonic.............boohooo....
cant support my husband...ahahahaha...

alriteys...i shall b back soon to update...hopefully..?? getting tired of updating..really..ahahahaha..
okk...b back soon..lovez...byeee....


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