Tuesday, August 05, 2008

oh i hate it when i regret extending work.

here i am, so tired and sleepy because i didnt have enough sleep..wishing that i could be in bed now, sleeping happily and waking up to a quiet house..

in the train so crowded and squeezy, i wished i didnt have to work and could go out shopping in the noon instead...and not running to work like sardines in the morning.

at work, where some insane people come in at 8.45am and start doing work, makes me wanna turn them into some juice because they make me feel guilty for surfing facebook at this time.

oh, when will i ever learn, why is it always in the middle where i will feel sick and tired of work and when month end comes, i will be thinking of money....noooo......i hate it. i have 18 more days of work and i dont know if i will be extending again......i mean..its good experience...right?

i hate myself.
hurry hurry singing therapy.


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