Monday, May 10, 2004

helloz ppl..haha...wah..long time no write here liaoz..haha..juz officially open our euphonium blog... those very free can go take a look..haha...thought of more advertising need liaoz..haha...wateva it is..our blog will b e bestest of them all..haha...

anywyaz...sorry 4 not updating..haha..went 2 a couple of places...i didnt noe e singapore night safari was so beautiful...right cheryl??ahaha..u all should take time 2 go was fun..haha..tat was a long time ago..

next...4warding 2 ydae..haha...was mother's mum couldnt we gave her her pressie on saturday...haha..we bought her clothes..n turn out she cant fit..we had 2 go change it ydae..haha..lucky e ppl allow change..or else die!!!haha..also..went 2 bugis junction..ate in a iwould call it a restaurant or a cafe...a mix..i guez..whoa...its called terra btw...haha...e soup is extremely yummy!!!haha...n e food too...haha...they had all kinds of shakes...there's this called kiwinana...haha...thats short niz..haha..i felt as if i could have eaten everything there..haha..go try it ppl..haha..

alritez..2dae...havin headache siaz..all 3 lessons had test..wah..muh head's gonna blow..haiz...didnt noe there was supposed 2 have an ss test 2dae...but arman...tat bum..juz came in n said "i give u all 25 mins of study..then we do test..." whoa...we were lyk...say wat??haha..25 MINS...can u believe it??wat do u take us 4?? brainiacs??haha...oh well...we dun live a bed of roses...(rephrased tat muhself..)

alritez now..couting time...

25 days 2 harry potter p.o.a!!!!!!

174 days 2 o'levels.....(sigh**)



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