Saturday, September 18, 2004

You are Sponge Bob Square Pants: You are the
classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend that
anyone could ever have and never want to loose. You make everyone
laugh. You never cause harm to anyone and they would never not
understand your feelings. Life is a journey! , it's funny and calm
for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people, then
you will be stress free.

yay!!!im spongebob...hmmm..all i can say is...this source is not reliable...coz it....hmmm...enough history lessons here?? a classic not such a lovely person so not everybody loves not a best friend..hehez...e other points r correct...its so right..i love making ppl laugh..i dun noe why...i try not 2 cause harm??haha...sumtimes i can b very...clumsy..haha..ppl really DO NOT know wat im feeling..even i dun cums 2 me special..i would say..yepz..i think im gonna start staying away frm traitors...n jealous ppl then..since i would b stress free..haha..

ritez..took a pic with my phone..set it as my wallpaper...n now i cant seem 2 switch off my picture of lee ryan...frm blue...n he's really cute on my's goin 2 b there frm a long my mp3 cum voice recorder 2 work ydae...real happy..haha..can listen 2 songs n learn notes on e same innit??haha.. okkz...let me c whether there r any pictures of lee nice picz...damn..n my..they're uploading so slowly...hmmm...alritez..i shall b back sum other time 2 post damn computer is giving me a hard time..damn it..argh!!!ritez..bye u lots..

|chelsea^cant switch off her phone!!!| coz of lee's picture..haha..


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