Sunday, February 26, 2006

here's one for you.

how can one be really happy??

it sounds like something everybody would ask...but..what izit really?
let me give you my definition...

i would b happy if suddenly my life just revolves around The Shire.
and i wont have to deal with quarrels or decision making and even thinking.
but here's the confusing bit and the truth..

you cannot be truly happy.
isnt that just the perfect answer?

some things just comes along, giving everyone a harder life..
in LOTR case, its SAURON.
in Harry Potter's case, its VOLDEMORT.
i've come to realise that we can never run away from the DEVIL....wherever we are..
there's also something called the devil within and im sure all of us have it..but some people just seem have the stronger devil inside of them, and instead of listening to the angels, they just choose to listen to the DEVIL. THAT'S NICE.
we have at least a strong devil in every household..MY HOUSE is an example.

works of the inner devil i can say.
have anyone realised its almost all the doings of MEN? as in MALES.
can the ego of men cease so that all those stupid things stop?
its all got to do with their EGO.
seriously, they think they own the world and all but NO...
its all a wrong mentality!

i think i'll take it that i've done too many sinful things and that god just wants to punish me now.
yes, i shall accept that fact and accept my life as it is..
i think all i've said is now rubbish because i wanna continue believing that there is still some hope to happy about..
im going to not think about unhappy stuff and try to avoid them..
im going to try to pray hard so that god helps me...
yes..i will do just that..
and i can really be happy then..


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