Thursday, July 26, 2007

i've been very mean today.

i was mean to my family.

i had a bad day at work. i know i should stop complaining but i cant help it.

my boss asked me to stay back, so i did. about 15 mins later, she walked out carrying her bag and was all ready to leave when she saw me still sitting there. she said: "oh, you can go home now, i forgot about you. sorry." and out she went. i got angry, she did that to me twice. and when i met my family for dinner, i just snapped at them the whole time. ahhh..and they didnt even argue or anything, i was thinking ah whatever, so i shut myself up for the whole journey home still quite mad. it was until i accidentally stepped on a snail that i realise i was an idiot. i feel super duper bad nowwwwwwwww...urgh. if i had died after i got home, i would have regretted my whole decision of being angry with my family .urgh. it is so not worth it!

im sorry to the poor snail and of course to my poor family.
well, its no use actually writing the apology here on the blog because i wouldnt apologise to my family. im a bad kid. i hope they forgive me.

work tmr again...
and there's napfa, which i doubt i will do very well, but i shall do my best!

ok then, off to the music therapy.

loves, chelsea.


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