Saturday, October 07, 2006

its 12.30am and i haven had my normal sleep for the past decade i m now rushin off this entry so that i can go to bed properly and enjoy my day later...

1. im officially out of job because yesterday was my last day at work!
i am super happy but super sad coz im going to miss some very nice ppl..hahaha...

2. it is super hazy outside!
its like we are living on clouds...where everything is foggy and misty..just that this haze is suffocating and warm...STUPID.

3. i have one more week left to enjoy my holidays!
after that it is back to school and more going to hate ittt...

and lastly...
4. i get to see my family again!! (my family includes my tv...)
ahahaha...haven seen and talked to them properly for the past decade as job means more family!!!(and more tv!!!) ahahahahaha..

ok..thats alll then!!!
my lovely i comeeee!!!ahahahaha...



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